- Parsevals Relation and Relations between the DFTs of the Periodic Even and Odd Parts of a Real Sequence-Parsevals Relation and Relations between the DFTs of the Periodic Even and Odd Parts of a Real Sequence
- Demo of zero-padding DFTs for 4F7 course (lecture 2): Spectrum of a single complex exponential added together
- 求DFT并做出离散函数xn的傅里叶变换图像 -Computing the 24-points DFTs of the two sequences that x1(n)= cos(nπ/6) and x2(n)= cos(nπ/4) using a single 24-point DFT by Matlab
- cohere(x,y,M) computes the coherence function using successive DFTs of length with a Hanning window and 50 overlap. (The window and overlap can be controlled via additional optional arguments.) We see a coherence peak at frequency cycles/sample, as e
- 分组FFT算法,长DFT运算时的拆分。含有算法的文档讲解。-Computing Large DFTs Using Small FFTs.