- 这是我找到的谐波小波程序,国内没有哦,希望对搞这方面的朋友有所帮助,站长一定要加分哦-I find this is the harmonic wavelet procedures, domestic Oh no, and I hope to engage in this regard friends help, director must oh points
- 对图像添加盐噪,设计一滤波器滤除盐噪声; 本人初学matlab,想有机会了解到更多的源代码,馆长给我机会啊-Add salt to the image noise, design a noise filter to filter out salt my novice matlab, would like to have the opportunity to learn more of the source code, the director for giving me the oppor
- The above source code is give radiation pattern and Current distribution in Designing of Yagi-Uda antenna on the basis of Mutual impedance with Director and Reflector with respect to drivel elemnt.
- 问题描述: 某石油公司计划建造一条由东向西的主输油管道。该管道要穿过一个有n 口油井的油田。从每口油井都要有一条输油管道沿最短路经(或南或北)与主管道相连。如果给定n口油井的位置,即它们的x 坐标(东西向)和y 坐标(南北向),应如何确定主管道的最优位置,即使各油井到主管道之间的输油管道长度总和最小的位置? 编程任务: 给定n 口油井的位置,编程计算各油井到主管道之间的输油管道最小长度总和。-Problem Descr iption: A oil company plans t
- Among other complex problems, Ant Colony optimizers can be used to simulate routing problems when network topologies change over time. Andrew is Fixed Income Research Director for the StatPro Group plc in the United Kingdom and adjunct professor in
- 详细介绍matlab编程应用的外文书籍,对充分利用matlab编写算法具有很好的指导价值-Introduction and director of programming effciently in the matlab
- matlab利用符号工具箱进行解析函数求导演示的编程源码及示例图片-matlab symbolic toolbox analytic function to ask the director to show programming source code and sample pictures
- 蚁群算法 邮轮港口进行云评价,评价指标为上文总结得出的港口条件、经济腹地、旅游情况和港口建设四项指标-matlab The director of the Nourishing the Planet Project said besides poverty and a lack of access to food, much food is simply lost. Worldwatch estimates 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted each y
- Splay 伸展树经典教程,含有论文和源代码。ACM金牌必备。-A Splay tree director for ACMer who wants to get a medal,include PDF and souce code
- 伸展树Splay在数列处理问题上的应用的教程与源代码,含有pas和cpp。-A director of Splay tree for the usage to solve the problem with number list
- 所长传的是空间矢量调制算法的仿真模型,仿真模型中描述了扇区判断,矢量作用时间判断,和PWM波形生成的详细过程,有用的大家可以下载-Director biography is space vector modulation algorithm simulation model, simulation model described sectors judgment, vector time judge, detailed process and PWM waveform generation an
- 《TensorFlow实战》是由PPmoney大数据算法总监黄文坚和美国Uptake数据科学家唐源倾力原创的新书。本书是Google TensorFlow研发团队内部力荐的教程,两位作者均是TensorFlow开发者,其中唐源是TensorFlow研发团队的Committer。本书结合了大量代码实例,深入浅出地介绍了如何使用TensorFlow("TensorFlow real battle" is a new book by Huang Wenjian, director