- PIECEWISE_EVAL: evaluates a piecewise function of x usage: y = PIECEWISE_EVAL(x,breakpoints,funs) arguments (input) x - vector or array of points to evaluate though the function breakpoints - list of n breakpoints, -inf and +inf are implic
- %CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (valid) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,LB,UB,nvars) % checks that the upper and lower % bounds are valid (LB <= UB) and the same length as X (pad with -inf/inf % if necessary) wa
- 八皇后问题解法,包括DFS,BFS和INF三种解法
- 带交叉因子的改进粒子群优化算法,算法用于示解多维无约束优化问题,收敛性强。-With cross-factor improvement of particle swarm optimization algorithm for multi-dimensional solution that unconstrained optimization problem, convergence is strong.
- inf文件的结构原理及常用基本案例源码,是初学者的好帮手.-inf file structure of the basic principles and common-source case is a good helper for beginners.
- This a fast floating point to string conversion function. Avoids the use of unsafe sprintf function. Works with float and double types. Correctly manages +inf, -inf, nnan (not a number).-This is a fast floating point to string conversion function. Av
- IMAQPLOT is a simple demonstration of previewing video data using the toolbox s TimerFcn callback. IMAQPLOT also allows users to integrate the video preview into any MATLAB GUI. These are capabilities that are present in the toolbox s PREVIEW command
- Compilation of programs inf prolog
- usb232驱动高校毕业生就业,教育部等相关部门2009年出台了多项措施。一是加大促进就业工作力度,形成长效机制。二是扩大各类项目吸纳高校毕业生的规模。三是积极开辟高校毕业生就业的新渠道,探索实施大学生社区就业计划、农村基层卫生人才服务计划等就业项目。四是大力推进高校毕业生自主创业,出台鼓励自主创业的新政策。五是全面提升毕业生就业指导服务水平,加强职业发展与就业指导课程建设,不断提-usb232 driven employment of college graduates, the Minist
- Replacement for normprod that correctly treats 0, Inf, -Inf in the weights.
- 弗洛伊德求最短路径的VC算法 #include <iostream> using namespace std #define MAXV 50 #define INF 32767 typedef int InfoType //邻接矩阵存储方法 typedef struct { -Freud find the shortest path algorithm# include VC <iostream> using namespace s
- 大概流程如下: 初始对每个点e,令v[e]=0,dis[e]=inf 令起点dis[s]=0 每次找出p,使得v[p]=0,并且dis[p]最小 令v[p]=1 对每个和p相邻的q,用dis[p]+distance[p,q]去更新dis[q] 直到找不到v[p]=0-Probably process is as follows: For every dot e, initial [e] to v = 0, dis [e] = inf Make starting
- Bellman-Ford Shortest Path Algorithm (C) 2004 by Yu Hen Hu find shortest path from a fixed point U to any node V clear all n=input( Total number of nodes = ) echo on starting from a fixed point U, you enter the weight to each
- simulate in matlab. H inf. Loop Shaping Robust Control vs. Classical PI(D) Control: A case study on the Longitudinal Dynamics of Hezarfen UAV. PI(D) Control System Design.
- Matlab是一个交互式的系统,它的基本运算单元是不需指定维数的矩阵,按照IEEE的数值计算标准(能正确处理无穷数Inf(Infinity)、无定义数NaN(not-a-number)及其运算)进行计算.-Matlab is an interactive system, its basic operation unit which is not specified dimension of the matrix, in accordance with the numerical calculat
- 图与网络论中求最短路径的Dijkstra算法 M-函数 格式 [S,D]=minroute(i,m,W) i为最短路径的起始点,m为图顶点数,W为图的带权邻接矩阵, 不构成边的两顶点之间的权用inf表示。显示结果为:S的每 一列从上到下记录了从始点到终点的最短路径所经顶点的序号; D是一行向量,记录了S中所示路径的大小 -Graph and network theory Dijkstra' s shortest path algorithm M-functio
- 基于Matlab H inf 鲁棒控制的设计 简述了 鲁棒控制器的基本思想,给出了运用Matlab鲁棒控制工具箱为假定空间桁架设计 鲁棒控制器的设计过程,同时也给出了控制器作用下闭环系统的分析结果-Robust control based on Matlab H inf robust controller design outlines the basic idea, given the use of Matlab robust control toolbox to assume that
- 运用matlab编程求最短路径的算法a=xlsread( D:\数据.xls ) 调入数据 n=size(a,1) for i=1:n for j=1:n if a(i,j)==1000 a(i,j)==inf 不相邻点之间的距离赋值为无穷大 -The shortest path
- 二维坐标系上有一些炸弹,每个炸弹有x,y坐标和爆炸后波及的范围r,这个r指的是跟自己曼哈顿距离r以内的点 就类似于扫雷那样,一个炸弹爆炸可能引起一片一片的炸弹炸出去 然后有一些询问,问点燃某个炸弹后会有多少个炸弹爆炸 已经炸过的就不算了 -#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio>
- 用H-inf方法求某型飞机的控制器,标注比较清楚,对初学者很有帮助-design a controller using H-inf