L3_1.m: 純量量化器的設計(程式)
L3_2.m: 量化造成的假輪廓(程式)
L3_3.m: 向量量化器之碼簿的產生(程式)
L3_4.m: 利用LBG訓練三個不同大小與維度的碼簿並分別進行VQ(程式)
gau.m: ML量化器設計中分母的計算式(函式)
gau1.m: ML量化器設計中分子的計算式(函式)
LBG.m: LBG訓練法(函式)
VQ.m: 向量量化(函式)
The QccPackSPECK module is a optional addon to the QccPack library for
the quantization, compression and coding of data. -The QccPackSPECK module is a optional addon to the QccPack library for
the quantization, compression and coding of data.
This matlab code read bmp file and seperate it to R,G,B components. And also quantize the image.
. Write MATLAB code that will do the following.
(a) Apply DCT on an image and obtain the o/p
(b) On the DCT image apply quantization using standard quantiser. (8×8)
(c) Apply IDCT to retain back the image.
Apply Hoffman compression
-. Writ
In this post, we are going to share with you, the MATLAB implementation of Color Quantization and Color Reduction of images, using intelligent clustering approaches: (a) k-Means Algorithm, (b) Fuzzy c-Means Clustering (FCM), and (c) Self-Organizing M
Color Reduction and Quantization using k-Means, Fuzzy Clustering (FCM), and SOM Neuarl Network in MATLAB
In this post, we are going to share with you, the MATLAB implementation of Color Quantization and Color Reduction of images, using intelligent c