科技(1) B 064 04
- 某国为了防御敌国的导弹袭击,发展出一种导弹拦截系统,但是这样的导弹拦截系统有个缺陷,虽然他的第一发炮弹能够达到任意高度,但是以后每一发炮弹都不能高于前一发的高度。某一天,雷达捕捉到敌国的导弹来袭。由于该系统还在使用阶段,所以只有一套系统,因此有可能不能拦截所有的导弹。输入导弹依次飞来的高度(雷达给出高度数据是不大于30000的整数),计算这套系统最多能拦截多少导弹,如果要拦截所有的导弹最少配备多少套这种导弹系统。 三;问题分析: 该系统的第一发炮弹能够达到任意高度,所以要求出系统最多能够
- 绘制庞加莱截面图,在相空间中适当(要有利于观察系统的运动特征和变化,如截面不能与轨线相切,更不能包含轨线)选取一截面,在此截面上某一对共轭变量如x1和x.1取固定值,称此截面为Poincare截面,相空间的连续轨迹与Poincare截面的交点成为截点。-mapping Poincare section, in phase space appropriate (observation system should be beneficial to the movement and change, i
- 核辐射中仪器标定时用到的最小二乘拟合法,coords.txt是实验得出的数据!该方法可求出拟合直线的斜率和截距。-Nuclear radiation instrumentation calibration when used least-squares fitting, coords.txt are derived from experimental data! This method can be obtained fitting a straight line of slope and in
- 用VB 编的计算两条直线交点坐标的程序,只要输入两直线的斜率(k)和截距(b),就能打印出两条直线,并计算出交点的坐标。-VB calculations made by the two straight-line intersection coordinates procedures, as long as the two enter the slope of a straight line (k) and intercept (b), will be able to print out two
- 数值计算,利用newton迭代法和弦截法计算插值多项式-Numerical calculation, using newton iteration method chord intercept method to calculate the interpolation polynomial
- 运用数学中弦截法求解方程解,效率较高,算法执行效率良好-Solving equations using chord intercept solutions, more efficient
Proportional navigation method
- 用比例导引法进行拦截弹针对机动目标的弹道仿真,仿真是基于三维模型。-Proportional navigation method used to intercept ballistic missile targets for motor simulation, simulation is based on three-dimensional model.
- Gauss 消元法 — 不选主元 Gauss 消元法 — 列选主元. 插值法 lagrange .cpp 插值法 lagrange .cpp 二分法.txt 二分法和简单迭代法以及埃特金.txt 复化辛卜生公式.txt快速弦截法 gauss-seidel选代.txt牛顿迭代法.txt-Gauss elimination method- do not choose the principal component Gauss elimination method- principal c
- 使用MATLAB编写的数据截取工具,跟随光标点击即可截取,方便使用。-Interception of data prepared using MATLAB. Follow the cursor and click to intercept. A user friendly tool.
- 模糊聚类中,得到等价矩阵后,采用截距法进行分类的matlab程序-Fuzzy clustering, after geting the equivalent matrix, the matlab classification program of intercept method
- LPI和LPID的主要目的是能够在比截获接收机对雷达进行探测与干扰的距离更远的距离上来探测目标,本工具箱是在MATLAB下的LPI工具箱-LPI and LPID' s main purpose is to intercept receiver than the radar detection and jamming on the distance farther up exploration goals, the toolkit is under the LPI in the MATLA
- 导弹拦截飞机的源代码,通过算出两者间的距离,时间差,速度,利用拦截算法算出相关数值,从而实现-Aircraft missiles to intercept the source code, through the calculated distance between the two, the time difference, speed, calculated using the relevant numerical algorithm block in order to achieve
- * FILE: least-squares.c * This program computes a linear model for a set of given data. * * PROBLEM DEscr iptION: * The method of least squares is a standard technique used to find * the equation of a straight line from a set of data.
- 精密控制结构需要满足先进飞机的使命和对其引航的要求。这就要求飞行器的性能必须满足在低空飞行,低速飞行和大迎角攻击性飞行,全天候,昼夜工作的条件,并且新的控制技术应该成熟。这项工作提出了飞行控制时,状态变量和控制输入是由预先确定的限制范围内的系统控制系统的设计理念。在设计过程使用动态规划的概念。其基本思想涉及非二次泛函最小化。由于一系列限制因素,建议使用光滑函数。同时提出了该综合方法的优点。我们利用对F-18战斗机的纵向控制配置来说明该设计方法。-Indirect adaptive control
- avo_abe - AVO intercept and gradient attributes for P-P and P-S-avo_abe - AVO intercept and gradient attributes for P-P and P-S
- 对混沌信号的分析程序实例,主要是分析它的抗截获性能-The analysis of the chaotic signal instances, is to analyze the performance of its anti-intercept
- 某国为了防御敌国的导弹袭击,发展出一种导弹拦截系统。但是这种导弹拦截系统有一个缺陷:虽然它的第一发炮弹能够达到任意的高度,但是以后每一发炮弹都不能高于前一发的高度。某天,雷达捕捉到敌国的导弹来袭。由于该系统还在使用阶段,所以只有一套系统,因此有可能不能拦截所有的导弹。-A country to defend against enemy missile attacks, to develop a missile interception system. But the missile defens
- VC写的最小二乘法线性拟合的代码,输入点坐标,输出斜率和截距-the least-squares linear fit code writed with VC, input coordinates, the output slope and intercept
- 目标拦截模拟系统中的造型方法Target intercept simulation system modeling method-Target intercept simulation system modeling method
- 求解五艘舰艇联合防御的最大拦截批数,并绘制示意图(Solving the maximum number of missiles a fleet may intercept)