- 用矩形窗设计了一个FIR线性相位低通数字滤波器。截止频率0.5π,阶数为21阶。求出了系统函数并画出了幅频响应。-A rectangular window design with linear phase FIR low-pass digital filter. Cutoff frequency 0.5π, the order of 21 bands. Find the system function and plotted the amplitude-frequency response.
- Matlab低通,高通,带通滤波器的设计都有,说明很详细,并且带有实例。-Matlab low pass, high pass, band-pass filter design are to illustrate in great detail and with examples.
- IIR 数字滤波器设计:模拟低通巴特沃思滤波器、模拟低通切比雪夫1型滤波器、模拟低通切比雪夫2型滤波器、模拟椭圆低通滤波器-IIR Digital Filter Design: Analog low-pass Butterworth filter, analog low-pass Chebyshev Type 1 filter, analog low-pass Chebyshev type 2 filter, analog elliptical low-pass filter
- 基于径向基神经网络的算法逼近低通滤波器,用Matlab编程实现-Based on RBF Neural Network Approximation algorithm low-pass filter, using Matlab programming
- 三相桥双极性PWM控制Simulink仿真,另加一滤波器观看PWM经过低通滤波后的波形,适合电力电子初学者-Three-phase bridge bipolar PWM control Simulink simulation, plus a watch PWM filter through after the low-pass wave filter for power electronics for beginners
- 低通滤波器 基于MATLAB的低通滤波器,Z变换实现-low-pass filter based on MATLAB low-pass filter, Z transform
- ex4_2 用MATLAB作巴特沃斯低通滤波器设计 ex4_3 用MATLAB作切比雪夫-1型低通滤波器设计 ex4_4 切比雪夫-2型低通滤波器设计 ex4_5 椭圆型低通滤波器设计 ex4_6 传递函数的模拟滤波器数字化 ex4_7 脉冲不变法简单实例 ex4_8 脉冲不变法巴特沃思低通滤波器设计 -ex4_2 using MATLAB for Butterworth low-pass filter design using MATLAB for ex4_3 Ch
- 实验指导 低通采样定理实验 FFT频谱分析实验 IIR滤波器设计实验 窗函数法FIR滤波器设计 频率采样法FIR滤波器设计实验-Experimental guide low-pass sampling theorem FFT spectrum analysis experiment experiment experiment IIR Filter Design Window Function FIR filter design frequency sampling FIR filter desi
- 输入自己事先录制好的语音信号,该程序实现将语音信号通过FIR低通、高通、带通滤波器后还原出来的语音质量-Enter their own pre-recorded speech signal, the program will realize voice signal through the FIR low-pass, high pass, band-pass filter to restore them after the voice quality
- IIR一阶低通滤波器 一阶高通滤波器 Notch 嵌波滤波器 Peak 滤波器 IIR低通滤波(Butterworth) IIR高通滤波(Butterworth) IIR带通滤波(Butterworth) IIR带阻滤波(Butterworth) IIR低通滤波(chebyshev 1) IIR低通滤波(chebyshev 1) chebyshev 中用到的函数 cheby.m-First-order IIR low-pass filter the fir
- 信号与系统基础知识包括连续信号与模型、离散信号与模型;常用信号变换包括Z变换、Chirp Z变换、FFT变换、DCT变换和Hilbert变换等;离散系统结构包括IIR、fir和Lattice结构;IIR滤波器设计包括模拟和数字低通、高-Basic knowledge of signals and systems, including continuous signal with the model, discrete signals and model common signal, inclu
- 利用MATLAB开发软件进行编程,实现了数字IIR低通滤波器的功能,程序直接可以运行!-Use MATLAB to develop software for programming, implementation of digital IIR low-pass filter function, the program can run directly!
- 自己做的: (一)用双线性变换法设计并用实验系统实现一个三阶的契比雪夫Ⅰ型低通数字滤波器,其采样频率Fs =8KHz,1DB通带边界频率为fp=2KHz。 (二)用双线性变换法设计并用实验系统实现一个三阶的契比雪夫Ⅱ型高通数字滤波器,其采样频率Fs =16KHz,阻带边界频率为fst =4KHz,As=20dB。 -(A) design using the bilinear transformation method and the experimental system of a
- 三相桥双极性PWM控制Simulink仿真,叠加一些其他信号,另加一滤波器观看PWM经过低通滤波后的波形,适合电力电子初学者-Three-phase bridge bipolar PWM control Simulink simulation, superimposed a number of other signals, plus a watch PWM filter through after the low-pass wave filter for power electronics fo
- Low pass filter . Using hamming window and and FIR filtering
- a matlab .m file describing a function acts as low pass filter on an image
- 设计巴特沃斯低通和高通IIR数字滤波器,得到二阶频率级联参数-Design of Butterworth low-pass and high-pass IIR digital filters, to be cascaded second-order frequency parameter
- 用窗函数法设计FIR带通、低通、高通滤波器 通过改变程序中的参数设计任意带通、低通、高通滤波器-Design of FIR with the window function band-pass, low pass, high pass filter by changing the process parameters in the design of arbitrary band-pass, low pass, high pass filter
- 绘制四种常用低通模拟滤波器(贝赛尔滤波器,巴特沃斯滤波器,切比雪夫滤波器及椭圆滤波器)幅频特性曲线-Draw four commonly used low-pass analog filter (Bessel filter, Butterworth filter, Chebyshev filter and elliptic filter) amplitude-frequency characteristic curve
- 图像的低通滤波器,用MATLAB设计一个3×3模板标准差为0.5的高斯低通滤波。-Image low-pass filter MATLAB design, a standard template for 3 x 3 0.5 gaussian low-pass filter