- HOUGH变换及用于SAR动目标检测的matlab程序!-HOUGH Transform and its implemention in the SAR moving target detection
- Modelo de dos rayos de Andrea Goldsmith (figura 2.5, según expresión 2.12) f = 0.9 frecuencia en GHz landa = 0.3/f en m R = -1 coeficiente de reflexión en tierra ht = 10 altura del transmisor en m hr = 2 altura del receptor en m Gt
- matlab programme for loss calculation in HT line
- matlab实现希尔伯特黄变换程序,包含emd分解和HT变换(Matlab implementation of the Yellow Hilbert transform procedures, including EMD decomposition and HT transform)
- 本文件对PID参数kp,ki,kd进行寻优,以ITAE作为指标函数。 PSO 文件中有详细的参数设置和寻优过程 GA寻优与PSO寻优作为对比出现 figure1展示了随着迭代次数的变化,适应度函数的收敛情况 figure2展示了kp,ki,kd的迭代情况 ht 文件是用来画图的 问题解决思路.pdf 简要介绍了粒子群算法寻优的过程(In this document, the PID parameters KP, Ki, KD are optimized, and ITAE is us
Time-Frequency Toolbox
- Time Frequency Toolbox matlab时频分析工具箱,里面有各种时频分析函数,用matlab实现的,小波变换,Gabor变化,短时傅里叶变换等等(AF Ambiguity function AR Auto-regressive (filter or model) ASK Amplitude shift keyed signal BJD Born-Jordan distribution BPSK Binary phase shift keyed signal BUD