- PASCAL Visual Object Classes,视觉识别竞赛的程序,共有20大类视觉目标。用MATLAB代码写成。能生成precision/recall图。-PASCAL Visual Object Classes, Competition visual recognition procedures, a total of 20 major categories of the visual target. With code written in MATLAB. Able to gen
- FFT源码,快速傅里叶变换和逆变换,Portable ISO C++开发的完整类-FFTReal Version 1.03, 2001/06/15 Class of Fourier transformation of real data (FFT and IFFT) Portable ISO C++ (c) Laurent de Soras <ldesoras@club-internet.fr>
- Delphi 的矩阵库,可以实际动态数组,矩阵产实现搜索等功能-Vectors is a class library for Object Pascal (Delphi 1, 3-7, Borland C++ Builder, Borland Kylix, Free Pascal v.1.0 and higher) which implements vectors (dynamically sized arrays) based on different Object Pascal s