- LVQ学习矢量化算法源程序 This directory contains code implementing the Learning vector quantization network. Source code may be found in LVQ.CPP. Sample training data is found in LVQ1.PAT. Sample test data is found in LVQTEST1.TST and LVQTEST2.TST. The
- IIR Filter Coefficient Quantization Example % written by DRB on 6-Dec-2004 for ECE3703 % % Looks at unquantized filter (ideal), direct form, and cascaded second % order section (SOS). -IIR Filter Coefficient Quantization Exam ple% written b
- Octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ . The Open Compression Toolkit is a set of modular C++ classes and utilities for implementing and testing compression algorithms. Simple interface and skeleton code for creating new compre
- 在目标被动式跟踪中广泛应用的伪量测变换估计器(PLE)具有良好的误差收敛性。然而由于等价噪声和状态的相关性,该估计器的估计是有偏的。提出的强跟踪滤波器(STF)通过强制白化残差具有自适应地校正估计偏差和迅速跟踪状态变化的能力。STF已经在非线性系统时滞估计、故障诊断与容错控制方面取得了很好的效果。
- Face Recognition based on PLE dataset from CMU-Using Eigenfaces and Template matching
- ple dont ask me i just want to upload this shit
- 目标跟踪ple方法,很详细,保证可以使用-Ple target tracking method, in great detail
- ple单站目标跟踪,这个是教学版本,很经典-ple single target tracking station, this is a teaching version of a classic
- NSGA (No n- Do mina te d So r ting in Ge ne tic Alg o r ithms [5 ]) is a p o pula r no n-do mina tio n ba s e d g e ne tic a lg o r ithm fo r multi- o b je c tive o ptimiz a tio n. I t is a ve r y e ff e c tive a lg o r ithm but ha s b e e n g
- 发源于美国麻省理工学院的Vensim软件,是由Ventana公司开发,在全球和国内获得最广泛使用系统动力学建模软件。它具有图形化的建模方法,除具有一般的模型模拟功能外,还具有复合模拟、数组变量、真实性检验、灵敏性测试、模型最优化等强大功能。Vensim有Vensim PLE, PLE Plus, Professional和DSS版本,适合不同的用户。(Vensim software, originated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, w
- 帮助学习分水岭变换是一种常用有效的图像分割方法。针对分水岭的过分割问题,对分水岭分割后的图像,(Study aid A ccordin g tO the analysis of eigenvalue and relativity it w as fcIund that ban ds of T M 3 T M 4 and T M 5 had sm all relativity and contain am ple inform ation)