- 本程序为丹麦奥尔堡大学开发的基于Matlab/Simulink的风电专用工具箱,包含专用的风模型、电机模型、变换器及控制策略等内容,著名的风电软件DIGSILENT等软件就是基于该软件开发的。-This toolbox has been developed during the research project “Simulation Platform to model, optimize and design wind turbines” and it has been used as a g
- 算法设计的实验报告 包括Bottom-Up Merge Sorting算法、插入排序算法Heaps的创建堆、堆排序算法、按秩合并算法以及带路径压缩算法、实现查找第K小元素算法、实现快速排序算法、实现平面内最接近点对算法、实现最长公共子序列算法、实现矩阵链相乘算法、实现0/1背包问题算法、实现Dijistra’s算法、Prim算法、Kruskal算法、文件压缩算法-Experimental Algorithm Design Report including Bottom-Up Merge So
- This report presents a new developed Matlab/Simulink Toolbox for wind turbine applications. This toolbox has been developed during the research project “Simulation Platform to model, optimize and design wind turbines” and it has been used as a genera
- 算法设计与分析实验报告,包括排序查找,快速排序,货郎担问题以及最大利润问题。该文档包括源程序和实验运行结果截图。-Algorithm design and analysis experiment report, including the sort to search, quick sort, HuoLangDan problems and the biggest profits. The document, including the source program and the experi
- 红黑树和经典的排序算法实现,排序算法包括希尔排序、快速排序、桶排序、归并排序、堆排序、选择排序、冒泡排序等,还有对应的实验报告-Red-black tree and classic sorting algorithms, sorting algorithms, including the Hill sort, quick sort, bucket sort, merge sort, heap sort, selection sort, bubble sort, as well as the co