- 一个关于供求陪送的线路程序。里面用到了最短路径的知识,给初学者参考-one of the lines of supply and demand escort procedures. They use the shortest path of knowledge, reference to beginners
- 1、用for和if语句求出供求函数以及稳定时的产量和价格。 2、用多重for循环语句和plot语句画出蛛网模型。 3、制作动画语句。 -1, with for and if statements when you find a stable supply and demand functions and production and prices. 2, with multiple plot statement for loop and draw the cobweb model.
- 发布供求信息,分类供求信息展示,供求信息查询,供求信息推荐,分类供求信息审核,分类供求信息查询,分类供求信息删除,收费信息发布,收费信息查询收费信息删除-Published supply and demand information, supply and demand classified information display, information inquiries supply and demand, supply and demand information recommendat
- 灰色模型在城市中长期用水量预测中的应用,近年来, 随着我国经济的飞速发展, 城市规模 不断扩张, 现有供水系统已经不能满足未来几年 的供水需求, 必须依照未来城市发展与城市布局 进行科学合理的供水系统规划. 在-Gray model in the application of long-term water demand in recent years, as China' s rapid economic development, urban-scale expansion,
- lingo 程序,解决线性规划和非线性规划问题,这里主要介绍物资需求计划模型的程序-lingo(demand and supply)
- 弹性需求下带有技术革新补贴的供应链协调.-With innovation subsidy under elastic demand and supply chain coordination.
- 此例要求供应中心到最远需求点的距离尽可能小-This case requires the demand supply center to the farthest point distance as small as possible
- Material Requirement Planning is a dependent demand system that calculates materials requirements and production plans to satisfy known and forecast sales orders. It helps to make volume and timing calculations based on an idea of what will be necess
- simulation of Grid Interface This used in a grid connected house which wants to place less reliance on the grid. A battery/inverter system provides some or all of the power. If the battery becomes low or loads exceed inverter capacity the
- 为中国光伏产业产能过剩由结构性过剩和体制性过剩构成,供需结构失衡、过度投资和用传统产业的发展思路发展新兴产业等因素是中国光伏产业产能过剩的主要原因。(As the overcapacity of China's photovoltaic industry is caused by structural overcapacity and institutional oversupply, imbalances in supply and demand structure, excessive in
- 假设在一个供求关系系统中,车辆从货源取货,配送到对应的若干配送点。车辆存在最大载货量,且配送可能有时间限制。需要合理安排取货时间,组织适当的行车路线,使用户需求得到满足,同时使某个代价函数最小,比如总工作时间最少、路径最短等。 可以看出TSP问题是VRP问题的一种简单特殊形式。因此,VRP也是一种NP hard 问题。 目前解决此种问题的办法有多种,主要以启发式算法为主。包括退火算法、遗传算法、蚁群算法、禁忌算法等,本文介绍两种比较简单算法:C-W节约算法和遗传算法。(Assume that
k means
- k means 聚类算法,适用于供应链,物流,选址等配送中心或需求点的筛选聚类(It applies for the field of supply chain, logistics, hub location to cluster the Dcs or demand points.)