- 针对时间序列的复杂性测试,实现快速近似熵算法,可以分析确定信号和随机信号,速度打打提高-time series against the complexity of testing, rapid approximate entropy algorithm, can be analyzed to determine signal and random signals, improving speed of play
- The Game: Make the snake grow longer by directing it to the food. Extra bonus points are given from hearts, eat them as fast as possible as amount of bonus points decreases with time. Higher level gives more points for the food but will also ma
- music change speed中,jiasu.m是让一首音乐旋律速度加快播放,jiansu.m是让一首音乐旋律速度减慢播放,两个情况下都不改变音乐的基调。-Music change speed, jiasu.m is to allow a faster melodic playing, jiansu.m is to make a musical rhythm to slow down play, the two cases do not change the tone of music.
- 用MATLAB实现了俄罗斯方块这个游戏,百分百能玩,包中有源码,且有设计报告,方块下降速度可调。-MATLAB for this game tetris, 100 can play, package design, and is the source, report decreasing speed can be adjusted.
- 小球屏幕保护程序源码学习VB时编的一个简单易懂的屏幕保护程序源码,图像是个跳动的小球。能设设置小球的颜色,速度,大小等状态。大家感兴趣的能下载下来玩玩,非常有意思哟! 可直接使用。 -The ball screen saver source to learn VB compiled a simple screen saver source image is a small ball to beat. Can be set up to set the color, speed, size an
- 随着计算机科学技术的不断提高和发展,其强大的运算功能已经逐渐融入人类社会的各个领域,并且在各个领域中发挥越来越重要的作用。当然,高效的运算速度并不代表无限快,在有限的资源空间里,要大大提高运算处理数据的速率,就需要我们使用那些在时间和空间上体现出高效的算法。本系统是为了演示在同一问题上,不同的算法在效率上存在的巨大差异。本系统采用Visual C++ 6.0中文版为开发工具,实现三种不同排序算法,即:冒泡排序算法、选择排序算法和快速排序算法,以及这三种排序对同一问题的处理并且以图形的形式给出快慢
- 该文件中包含了详细的matlab实现的源代码,很适合初学者入门。代码的运行环境有要求: 1. 软件环境 需要安装暴风影音才能正常播放.WMV文件; MATLAB R2011b 版本的软件。 2. 硬件环境 处理器:CPU主频不低于1GHz; 内存:不小于256MB; 硬盘:不小于10GB; 显示器:支持1024*768分辨率。-The file contains a detailed matlab realize the sourc
- 田忌与齐王赛马,双方各有n匹马参赛(n<=100),每场比赛赌注为1两黄金,现已知齐王与田忌的每匹马的速度,并且齐王肯定是按马的速度从快到慢出场,现要你写一个程序帮助田忌计算他最好的结果是赢多少两黄金(输用负数表示)。(Tian and the king's horse racing, the two sides each have n horse (n < = 100), each match bet 1 two gold, are now known to the king of