- 这是linux下的进化计算的源代码。 === === === === === === ===== check latest news at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ ======================================================================= Welcome to EO, the Evolving Objects library. The latest ne
- 本软件实现单机数据压缩打包备份功能.数据压缩级别,压缩速度可选!备份可采取增量备份或全备份.-the standalone software package backup data compression functions. Data compression levels, optional compression speed! Backup can take full or incremental backup backup.
- The Matching Pursuit ToolKit provides a fast implementation of the Matching Pursuit algorithm for the sparse decomposition of audio signals. It comprises a library, some standalone utilities and some scr ipts to plot the results under Matlab.,The Mat
- 随机森林代码,Matlab代码,很好的学习工具-Random Forest (Regression, Classification and Clustering) implementation for MATLAB (and Standalone)
- 本工程旨在提供一个PSO优化算法的工具箱,可以在MATLAB环境下运行或者在C++环境下进行编译。-The project aims to create a toolbox based on PSO Algorithm, which can be a part of the Matlab environment and also as a standalone application.
- 這是一個 Matlab的(和獨立應用)端口的出色的機器學習算法,隨機森林` - 由Leo布賴曼等。從 R -源由Andy鴻等。 http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/randomForest/index.html(Fortran的原由Leo布賴曼和Adele卡特勒,研究港口安迪鴻和馬修維納。)當前的代碼版本是基於 4.5-29從來源 randomForest包。-This is a Matlab (and Standalone application) p
- 本书第一章系统讲述 MATLAB6.5 的集成工作平台,引导读者初会MATLAB 基本用法。 第二、三章系统叙述MATLAB6.1 的四大基本数据类型(数值数组、字符串数组、元胞数组、构架数组),至于其它扩展数据类型(函数句柄、符号数据、内联函数、unit 数组、稀疏类)则另辟章节专述。此后,本书用九个独立章分述MATLAB6.5 的数值计算、符号计算、函数和数据可视、面向对象编程、GUI 交互操作界面设计、EXE 独立应用程序生成、实现不同软件平台交互的API、M-book 数据图形文字环
- The PID controller is the most common form of feedback. It was an essential element of early governors and it became the standard tool when process control emerged in the 1940s. In process control today, more than 95 of the control loops are of
- 本书第一章系统讲述 MATLAB6.5 的集成工作平台,引导者初会MATLAB 基本用法。第二、三章系统叙述MATLAB6.1 的四大基本数据类型(数值数组、字符串数组、元胞数组、构架数组),至于其它扩展数据类型(函数句柄、符号数据、内联函数、unit 数组、稀疏类)则另辟章节专述。此后,本书用九个独立章分述MATLAB6.5 的数值计算、符号计算、函数和数据可视、面向对象编程、GUI 交互操作界面 设计、EXE 独立应用程序生成、实现不同软件平台交互的API、M-book 数据图形文字环境
- The purpose of this standalone MATLAB package is to allow users to quickly and automatically quantify the alignment of periodic structures (e.g. collagen fibers) in an image, with respect to a user-specified boundary or an absolute reference.-The pur
- Matlab 2011b crack for standalone
- makestereofig is a standalone scr ipt for converting .fig files containing 3D Cartesian plots of z as a function of x and y to .jpg images of the same plot in anaglyphic (red-cyan) stereo. The compressed archive contains the top level scr ipt (makest
- fuel cell standalone
- MATLAB GUI 实现摄像头拍照 保存 及对图片进行直方图均衡化处理,可以导入图片并对其进行处理并保存,整个程序完整设计。是初学入门的好例子。程序内置一张图片。压缩包中有编译成的可单独运行的exe文件。本程序开发环境是MATLAB2010b.-MATLAB GUI camera to save pictures and image histogram equalization processing, you can import the image and its processed and
- Fuzzy-Logic-Control Approach of a Modified Hill-Climbing Method for Maximum Power Point in Microgrid Standalone Photovoltaic System
- 该算法是最优化算法中处理图像的较为常用的算法,适合初学者-Image files constitute a majority of total web traffic.[17] Unlike text-based web file formats, binary image files do not benefit from built-in webserver-based HTTP gzip compression. imgmin offers an aut
- battery charging,descharging behaviour simulation in simulink appropriate to be used in standalone systems
- MATLAB Coder™ generates standalone C and C++ code from MATLAB ® code. The generated source code is portable and readable. MATLAB Coder supports a subset of core MATLAB language features, including program control constructs, functio
- Matlab混合编程实例,可独立于Matlab环境进行运行。-Matlab for instance, can be run independently in Matlab environment.
- This file is for analyzing the power system contingency using MATLAB. This code works for standalone power system