- 压缩包中的一系列matlab程序实现了“特定人群语音情感识别”这一新颖的研究课题。具体介绍请见压缩包中的论文。-compressed in a series of Matlab program of "specific emotional crowd voice recognition" of the new study. Specific details of compressed see the papers.
- 这是研究生课程计算方法与技术中讲到的Prime算法的具体实现,相信学这个课的同学都会感兴趣的。-This is the postgraduate courses calculation methods and technologies referred to the Prime algorithm to achieve specific, I believe that this course of study students will be interested.
- 初步研究神经网络模型的构造方法,并利用多输入单输出切比雪夫神经网络模型建立世界干散海运量各年的海运量预测模型解决具体问题-preliminary study of the neural network model construction method, and the use of multiple-input single-output Chebyshev neural network model of the world's seaborne dry bulk quantities
- 课程安排,用拓扑排序实现 4、实现课程的拓扑排序。(选)(加) 问题描述:软件专业的学生要学习一系列课程,其中有些课程必须在其先修课程完成后才能学习,具体关系见下表: 课程编号 课程名称 先决条件 C1 程序设计基础 无 C2 离散数学 C1 C3 数据结构 C1,C2 C4 汇编语言 C1 C5 操作系统 C3 假设每门课程的学习时间为一学期,试为该专业的学生设计教学计划,使他们能在最短的时间内修完这些课程。-curriculum, using topolo
- 本人做的神经网络的实验,步骤详细,分析具体,适合做入门学习用-I do neural network experiments, the steps detailed analysis of specific, suitable for entry to study
- mpeg4代码,比较具体,可供学习,有完整的实现和例子,需要编译后仿真。-mpeg4 code more specific, they can study and complete realization and examples, it needs to be compiled after the simulation.
- 遗传算法的文章,具体方法没有研究,有参考可下载。-Genetic Algorithm article did not study the specific methods, reference can be downloaded.
- 数据结构中的huffman树的一个具体应用,适合刚开始学习数据结构的朋友!-Data structure of huffman tree to a specific applications, fit the beginning of the study data structure Friend!
- :Matlab具有强大的数值计算和分析等能力,而C/C++是目前最为流行的高级程序设计语言,两者互补结合的混合编 程在科学研究和工程实践中具有非常重要的意义。因此,从Matlab调用c,C++代码及c,C++调用m文件两方面,深入地研究 了它们之间混合编程的原理和实现机制,并且给出了具体条件下的混合编程方法和步骤。-: Matlab has powerful numerical calculation and analysis capabilities, while the C/C++
- 具体数学读书笔记,转自toj wtommy博课 ACM选手数学必看佳作-Notes specific mathematical study, carried toj wtommy player Bo ACM mathematics courses must-see works
- 基于MATLAB的数学图形制作 过具体实例研究MATLAB绘制二维图形和三维图形的plot、ezplot、mesh、surf、ezmesh、ezsurf、 plot3等几个作图函数,说明它们的使用方法和技巧。-MATLAB-based graphical mathematical study of the production of any specific examples of MATLAB graphics drawing two-dimensional and three-dim
- 对卡尔曼滤波的原理进行了详细的介绍。并且有具体的程序,可以进行学习和仿真!-The principle of Kalman filtering was introduced in detail. And there is a specific process, can study and simulations!
- 研究SAR信号模型,主要是得到特定工作模式下回波信号与测绘带散射系数分布之间的解析关系。SAR成像算法实质上是从回波信号中通过信号变换得到测绘带的散射系数分布。-Study of SAR signal model, mainly to be a specific job mode echo signal and mapping the distribution of scattering coefficient with the relationship between the analytic
- SINS仿真Matlab程序,对初学者还算全,应该有点用处,虽然比较简单,也省些前期编写的麻烦, 希望能花更多时间研究些专门的有用处的东西。如大家有需要还可增加一些其它内容-SINS Matlab simulation program, for beginners fairly full, should be of some use, although relatively simple, but also save the trouble of some pre-prepared, I h
- 变分方法及其应用,在研究偏微分方程的应用前,先看看其基础理论,对于代码的具体实现以及公式推导都会有帮助-Variational method and its application, the application of partial differential equations in the study before the first look at its basic theory, for the specific implementation code and the formula
- 用VC实现的具体的一个手机MP3 仿真操作过程,主要是学习双向链表算法!-Using VC to achieve a specific cell phone MP3 simulation operation, mainly the study of two-way linked list algorithm!
- 本文介绍了动态规划的基本思想和基本步骤,通过实例研究了利用动态规划设计算法的具体途径,讨论了动态规划的一些实现技巧,并将动态规划和其他一些算法作了比较,最后还简单介绍了动态规划的数学理论基础和当前最新的研究成果。-This article describes the basic idea of dynamic programming and the basic steps, through the case study design algorithm using dynamic progra
- 银行家算法是避免死锁的一种重要方法。 本实验的目的是,加深了解有关资源申请、避免死锁等概念,并体会和了解死锁和避免死锁的具体实施方法。-Banker' s algorithm is an important method to avoid deadlock. The purpose of this study is to better understand the application of resources to avoid deadlock and other concep
- 这是一份介绍MATLAB的WORD版教程,里面有具体的实例,对于初学者很有用,欢迎大家下载学习。-This is a descr iption of the WORD version of MATLAB tutorial, there are specific examples useful for beginners, are welcome to download the study.
- 具体介绍了RWA问题的相关概念及常见算法,对静态网络情况下的路由和波长分配问题进行了深入研究-Specific RWA problem related concepts and common algorithms, conducted in-depth study on the routing and wavelength assignment problem in the case of static network