- 实现了一般表达式的合一算法(采用最一般合一求取方法)-achieve a general expression of unity algorithm (to use the most general strike Ecumenical methods)
- 人工智能中一般表示式的合一算法的C++实现。,Artificial Intelligence-based unity of the general algorithm that the C++ to achieve.
- 《数值分析及其MATLAB实现》这本书以理论推导为基础,通过利用Matlab的底层库函数实现各个数值计算方法,而不是简单的调用高层函数,因此实现的算法过程很详细并具有很高的灵活性,便于自行学习和调整,实现了理论与实践的相统一。同时配有大量例题,并有Matlab数值计算、符号计算的基本使用方法。 -" " Numerical Analysis and MATLAB implementation, " " This book is based on a the
- a computerized implementation of the soil triangle Function receives three numbers, the fractions of sand, silt and clay in a soil sample, and returns an integer that can be interpreted to indicate a specific soil classification (e.g., sandy loam, si
- 基于单位功率因数控制策略的单相有源滤波,去掉非线性负载部分即为单相全控整流。开关器件采用IGBT。-Based on the unity power factor control strategy of single-phase active power filter, remove the part of non-linear load is the single-phase full-controlled rectifier. Switching device IGBT.
- 对程序进行优化,通常是指优化程序代码或程序执行速度。优化代码和优化速度实际上是一个予盾的统一,一般是优化了代码的尺寸,就会带来执行时间的增加,如果优化了程序的执行速度,通常会带来代码增加的副作用,很难鱼与熊掌兼得,只能在设计时掌握一个平衡点。-Optimization of the procedure, usually refers to optimize the program code or program execution. Optimize the code and optimize
- 最一般合一的简单实现版本,AI 课程上的,大家可以参考,希望能抛砖引玉-One simple realization of the most general unity, AI curriculum, and we can refer to, hoping to attract valuable comments. .
- 用CSharp语法实现最一般合一算法,希望可以给大家帮助-CSharp syntax with unity to achieve the most general algorithm in the hope of help to you
- 以下问题要求统一在一个大程序里解决。 、折半插入排序、冒泡排序、快速排序、简单选择排序 、归并排序和堆排序 -The following question requires unity in a large program and solve. 25, 26 binary insertion sort, bubble sort 27, 28, fast sorting, simple selection sort 29, 30 merge sort, heap sort
- 一般表达式的合一算法,用于人工智能基础,是其中比较初级的Unify算法的实现,用C++ -General expression of unity method for artificial intelligence based, is one of the more junior of the Unify algorithm, using C++
- The Smith chart, invented by Phillip H. Smith (1905-1987),[1][2] is a graphical aid or nomogram designed for electrical and electronics engineers specializing in radio frequency (RF) engineering to assist in solving problems with transmission lines a
- 单位分解有限元方法求解应力强度因子,是扩展有限元的重要基础理论-Unity finite element method to solve the stress intensity factor, is an important basis for expansion of the finite element theory
- 本书是关于无线衰落信道方面的一本好书,书中内含MATLAB代码! -All relevant components of a mobile radio system, from digital modulation techniques over channel coding through to network aspects, are determined by the propagation characteristics of the channel. Therefore, a pr
- To find the largest fitness value and its location 寻找最大适应性及相应的位置!Population N=50;crossover bits=n/2 (half of bits of an individual) with random locations,mutation bits = 4 种群数 N=50,交换位数= n/2, 即个体位数的一半,且位置随机; 变异位数统一取为4; Nc=20,28,36,44,
- Matlab Program for Vr/Es for different length of Transmission line at lagging, leading and Unity Power Factors.
- 可以大批量地处理数据的导入,并将无关行列删除,再对数据中的字符串、数字格式统一,与拼接,并与另一个xls文档中的数据进行比较,是一个不错的代码。-Can import large quantities of process data, and independent of the ranks to delete the data string, the unity of the digital format, with the stitching, and compare the data wi
- 在目前常用的激光粒度仪反演算方法的优点和缺点基础上,为了实现各种方法的稳定性 与准确性的统一,提出一种基于退火演化算法和遗传算法组合的随机反演方法,该方法具有更 强的全局收敛性,也具有对粒径分布形状不敏感、抗噪声能力强等优点。该算法能对具有单峰 及双峰分布形式的颗粒尺寸进行精确求解,并获得合理的颗粒粒径分布结果。-, In order to achieve the unity of the stability and accuracy of the various method
- C#技术Unity的AOP容器Demo,这个Demo很好,纯源代码-c# aop demo
- GLSL优化算法,用c++语言编写,适合学习计算数学的和工科类的运用-GLSL optimizer A C++ library that takes GLSL shaders, does some GPU-independent optimizations on them and outputs GLSL back. Optimizations are function inlining, dead code removal, copy propagation, constant foldi
- 单位反馈二阶系统,采用比例加微分控制,提前对系统产生修正-Order unity feedback system that uses proportional plus derivative control, in advance of the system to produce correction