- To visualize the outer surface of a geometrical object with G^1 bicubic Bezier splines. There are four diagrams that has been attached: The coloured surface of the object ( WaterJarsObject.m ) The wireframe surface of the object ( WaterJarsWire
- 3D方式演示欧拉角 通过鼠标就可以更改欧拉角的方位,其中代码适用于欧拉角方向余弦矩阵的转换。-findEulerAngs generates Euler angle sets and animates rotations in response to user manipulation of a 3D rigid body (a box). Use the mouse to change the orientation of the box. A wireframe of the ori
- 利用比尔萨法尔定理计算多个线框嵌套时的磁场分布-for calculating the magnetic distribution of multiple square wireframe