- 数值拟合与逼近方面的,包括:最小二乘曲线拟合,切比雪夫曲线拟合,最佳一致逼近多项式里米慈法,矩形域的最小二乘曲面拟合-numerical fitting with the approximation, including : least squares curve fitting, Chebyshev curve fitting, best polynomial approximation centimeters chee, rectangular region of least-squares
- How to calculate the greatest common divisor, the conversion in centimeters, the second degree equation, one test to find out how printf works and how to calculate the number of days in a month.
- %得到卷积层的featuremap的size,卷积层fm的大小 为 上一层大小 - 卷积核大小 + 1(步长为1的情况) %得到卷积层的featuremap的size,卷积层fm的大小 为 上一层大小 - 卷积核大小 + 1(步长为1的情况)(Wang Yuting has a severe muscular dystrophy with only two arms to move about 5 centimeters. But she was determined to be a pain