- The tca package is a Matlab program that implements the tree-dependent component analysis (TCA) algorithms that extends the independent component analysis (ICA), where instead of looking for a linear transform that makes the data components in
- ua University, in 2002 publi this document, including the Mont A program of curve fitting based Bayesian Filter. Bayesian (Bayesi a target tracking system MATLAB s cubic spline curve fitting This i book is widely used in engineerin this
- 本程序使用matlab语言,编制了一个基于通用似化学活度系数模型来计算四组分反应体系中各组分的汽液平衡状态的程序.,This procedure using the matlab language, developed a chemical based on a common activity coefficient model seems to calculate the four-component reaction system of the components of the vapor
- 基于随机集证据推理的构件软件体系可靠性模型Random collection of evidence-based reasoning model for component-based software system reliability-Random collection of evidence-based reasoning model for component-based software system reliability
- 本程序为偏最小二乘法和主成分分析的matlab程序用于建立光谱信息和所测样品浓度的关系,建立预测模型-This program is partial least squares and principal component analysis matlab program for the establishment of spectral information and the relationship between the concentration of the samples, the
- 多元线性回归模型,结合主成分分析原理,完美的运用matlab编程-Multiple linear regression model, combined with principal component analysis theory, the perfect use of matlab programming! !
- 通过对独立分量分析算法的研究,介绍了该算法的基本模型及目前应用最广泛的快速定点ICA算法的数学原理.通过仿真试验结果表明,用该算法对随机混合的3幅图像进行盲分离,取得了理想的效果.-By independent component analysis algorithm, introduced the algorithm for the basic model and is currently the most widely used fast fixed-point ICA algorithm
- 一个强大的统计模式识别工具箱,包含高斯分类器,高斯混合模型,主成分分析,支持向量机等常见分类方法。-A powerful statistical pattern recognition toolbox, including the Gaussian classifier, Gaussian mixture model, principal component analysis, support vector machines and other common classification met
- 运用主元分析进行数据预处理,最小二乘法建模,对未知数据按照模型给出预测结果-The use of principal component analysis for data pre-processing, least squares modeling, the unknown data is given in accordance with the model predictions
- 以“一主三从”主从多机通信系统为物理模型,研究应用马尔可夫链建立仿真算法及蒙特卡洛法建立了数学模型,通过将完整的系统元件化,并对每个元件创立各自的状态转移机模型,仿真运行状态,实现了对于这一通信系统的可靠性建模评估。-" One the main three from the" master-slave multi-communication system for the physical model to study the application of Markov cha
- 某统计局欲了解第三产业总产出、中间消耗、增加值、劳动者报酬、生产税净额、固定资产折旧、营业盈余之间的关系,根据下面给出的数据建立相应的模型并进行分析,同时又因为变量数目过多影响对其的综合分析,要求对他们进行主成分分析;-Bureau of Statistics For a third of total industrial output, intermediate consumption, value added, workers compensation, production, net of
- Motion Tracking === === === This tarball contains all code required to run the tracking algorithm on a sequence of images. Run the file run_tracker.m in Matlab and follow the instructions. You will need to have a directory of sequentiall
- 神经计算的实验作业。用principle components analysis计算模式的主分量。提取线性输入的特征。-Neural computing experiment operations. Computing model using principle components analysis of the principal component
- 主元分析方法(PCA)是一种基于多元统计分析的数据降维方法, 它利用过程变量间的相关关系, 建立正常工况下的主元模型, 通过检验新的数据样本相对于主元模型的背离程度, 从而发现异常和故障。 -Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is based on multivariate statistical analysis of the data reduction method, which uses the correlation between process
- 通过对周期性电压电流波形的起始时间与其相应的各 次谐波分量初始相位之间的关系进行研究,指出谐波源的特 性可以由其在基波电压初相位为零时的特性所唯一确定-Periodic voltage and current waveforms on the start time of its corresponding harmonic component of the relationship between the initial phase of research, pointed out th
- Multi-component fluid, using a LB method, based on the Shan-Chen model
- matlab数学建模中的15个模型的算法讲解与举例,包括灰色预测、灰色关联分析、主成分分析法、模糊聚类分析、随机模拟、多元回归模型、正交试验设计、图论、目标规划模型、马尔可夫预测方法、时间序列分析、模糊综合评价模型、层次分析模型、模糊数学方法、模拟退火算法。-15 model matlab mathematical modeling method to explain with examples, including the gray prediction, gray correlation a
- For predicting the containment safety of turbochargers against failure of rotors at elevated temperatures and dynamic loading the complex deformation and damage behaviour of the respective materials has to be determined by appropriate experimen
- matlab实现Preisach模型,画出Everett函数以及Preisach平面-- approximate measured hysteresis loops - simulate arbitrary minor hysteresis loops - plot the Preisach function, the Everett function, the reversible component
- 本书共9章,第1章为MATLAB基础知识;第2章为Simulink仿真入门;第3章为电力系统元件模型及模型库介绍;第4章为MATLAB在电力系统潮流计算中的应用实例;第5章为MATLAB在电力系统故障分析中的仿真实例;第6章为MATLAB在电力系统稳定性分析中的应用实例;第7章为MATLAB在微机继电保护中的应用实例;第8章为MATLAB在高压直流输电及柔性输电中的仿真实例;第9章为MATLAB在风力发电技术中的应用仿真。(There are 9 chapters in this book, a