MIMO多天线收发 各种性能比较(BER曲线) 包括MMRC EGC SC Alamouti V-BLAST。信道为瑞利信道,有2种,相关和非相关。测试仿真结果 请运行文件名带plot的。-MIMO multi-antenna transceiver various performance comparison (BER curve), including MMRC EGC Ala SC mouti V-BLAST. Rayleigh channel to channel, two specie
计算双通道散射BUBBLEGUM v.2 的源代码-The FORTRAN code BUBBLEGUM.f calculates the unitary, analytic T-matrix for a two-channel problem with an arbitrary number of resonances. It also gives the approximate results from the K-matrix method, the Breit-Wigner approx
The main goal of this work is to provide a unified theory of QSTBCs for four transmit antennas and
one (or more) receive antennas. The thesis consists of two main parts: In the first part we analyze the
QSTBCs transmission without any channel kno
MIMO Channel Capacity has been calculated using ergodic and outage capacity of correlated MIMO channels..
-MIMO Channel Capacity has been calculated using ergodic and outage capacity of correlated MIMO channels..
相关瑞利信道的仿真,在不同多普勒波长的影响下,产生出不同的瑞利信道-simullation of correlated rayleigh channel,in different lenght of doppler
Correlated Rayleigh fading channel generator based on Doppler filter
This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh
channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CSIT
(waterfilling power allocation). In both cases perfect CSIR is assumed. The channel is assumed to b