- 包括了图的大部分基本算法,每一种算法都以邻接矩阵与邻接表两种形式给出,算法包括建图,图的遍历(如DFS和BFS),最小生成树,从某个源点到蓁各顶点的最短路径等-Includes most of the basic graph algorithms, each algorithm is to adjacency matrix and adjacency list is given in two forms, algorithms, including the construction of map
- 我自己用matlab写的深度优先算法,能够实现任意选择起色访问点进行访问的DFS算法-Matlab write my own use depth-first algorithm, to achieve any improvement in access point choose to visit the DFS algorithm
- 先深搜索算法,图论的基础算法,用于遍历图中各点,图用点边集表示,以文件方式读入-First deep-search algorithm, graph theory based algorithm for traversing the graph, Figure with a set of edges that point to papers read
- 图的深度优先遍历算法程序。代码已经将图的深度以及每一层的节点写固定了。可以自己进去修改。-the program is the dfs of tree.the point of the tree and the layer of it has been fix.you can change it as you want.
- 这是数据结构中图的广度优先算法的实现。广度优先算法是按照每个节点的拥有的孩子数目来进行遍历的。而不像图的深度优先算法是按照深层次,然后如果不能继续进入更深一层,就往回遍历。-BFS program of tree have a large of difference of the DFS program of trees.The produre of it is with the method of the children of a point ,rather than the depth o