- matlab 压缩包文件,基于时频分析的isar回波处理历程,基于时频分析的多分量现形调频信号处理,matlab compressed file, based on the time-frequency analysis of the ISAR echo processing course, based on the time-frequency analysis of multi-component FM signal processing edition
- 提取超声回波信号中回波时移的互相关计算。-Extraction echo ultrasonic echo signals of time-lapse cross-correlation calculation.
- 回波信号的时间和空间相关处理来进行相关测速原理的仿真验证:有三个子界面 分别为时间相关测速、空间相关测速、二维相关测速-Echo signal in time and space-related processing to carry out the relevant principles of simulation speed: There are three sub-interface, time-dependent velocity, respectively, space-relat
- Simulation of SAR radar echo. Posibility to change sampling time, number and place of reflecting points and position of radar platform.
- 双通道星载合成孔径雷达(DPCA),第一个天线发射信号,两个天线同时接收信号。-Dual-channel satellite synthetic aperture radar (DPCA), the first launch of an antenna signal to two antennas to receive signals at the same time.
- 1.本程序是自己刚刚接触SAR时编写的时域星载SAR点目标回波仿真,包含了卫星轨道模型、计算星目斜距时用到的各种坐标系转换、SAR回波计算模型以及简单的SAR成像模型,希望对初学者有所帮助。 2.相应的参考资料可查找《卫星轨道姿态动力学与控制》及《魏钟铨_合成孔径雷达卫星》;-1. This program is just contact with their own prepared when the time domain SAR spaceborne SAR point target
- 在降低运算量的同时保持了相控阵接收通道回波之间的固有幅度、相 位关系, 采用变换法来产生通道噪声, 使通道回波生成耗时控制在毫秒量级及系统仿真实现准 实时。-In reducing the amount of computing while maintaining a phased array receiver channel between the intrinsic echo amplitude, phase relations, the use of transform metho
- 内有7位巴克码、13位巴克码的产生程序以及有两个目标时产生回波并对回波进行I/Q(正交)解调,并显示压缩后时域信号-There are 7 Barker code, 13 Barker code generation process, and generate two target echo and echo for I/Q (quadrature) demodulation, and display time-domain signal after compression
- 回声隐藏利用人耳听觉系统的时域掩蔽特性,在载体数据的环境特性中嵌入水印信息-Echo hiding ear hearing system of time domain masking properties, environmental characteristics of the data in the carrier embedded watermark
- this code is about echo time delay and write whit matlab.
- 利用回声状态神经网络进行时间序列预测.预测效果非常好-Use of echo state neural network time series prediction. Predict very good results
- 实现功能 1) 在用户界面设置录音时长并实时录音 2) 调节放音幅度、播放原声并进行时域、频域绘图 3) 对收集的声音进行倒放处理并播放 4) 对收集声音进行回声处理并播放,比对时域波形 5) 对收集声音进行回响处理并播放,比对时域波形 6) 对经过回声处理的声音进行回音消除并比对时域波形 7) 采用自适应滤波器消除采集声音中的环境噪音 8) 设计相应的滤波器组成均衡器对收集的声音进行处理并播放 9) 男女声识别 10) 设计参数可调的滤波器对采集的声音进
- 三个目标回波的速度与距离信息的检测,利用时域脉压与MTD处理后生成直观的二维图。-Three target echo detection speed and distance information, the use of time-domain pulse generated after treatment with MTD intuitive two-dimensional map.
- 方法利用MIMO噪声雷达在短时间内输出的多路回波数据进行相参并行处理来取代回波数据的长时间相参积累检测,以避免距离走动-Methods noise MIMO radar echo data in a short time multiplexed output by coherent echo data parallel processing to replace long coherent integration testing, to avoid walking distance
- 设计一个简单的GUI界面,对导入的音频文件进行时域特性分析。计算其时域波形、平均幅度、短时能量、短时过零率。对该音频文件进行加噪处理,分析其时域波形变化。设定一个固定时长,对该音频添加回声并保存为“*.wav”格式文件。 对音频文件的时域分析是对音频文件进行传输、降噪及其他再编辑的基础。其中短时能量可用作清浊音区分的标准和语音起始点的判断。短时过零率可用作判断有声段与无声段和从背景噪声中提取语音信号。 -Design a simple GUI interface that time
- 此附件是solo3,由美国UCAR,NCAR开发。用于画WSR-88D天气雷达的雷达反射率回波,径向速度。同时,能简单的退模糊,不过是手动的。此附件为编译好的linux 64位软件,可直接使用。-This annex is solo3, by American UCAR, NCAR developed. Radar reflectivity echo for drawing WSR-88D weather radar radial velocity. At the same time, you
- 计算多重分形非趋势波动分析,计算目标和海洋回波的功率谱密度,用于时频分析算法。- Calculate the multifractal trend fluctuation analysis, Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, For time-frequency analysis algorithm.
- 车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,计算目标和海洋回波的功率谱密度,包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计。- Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation.
- 计算目标和海洋回波的功率谱密度,LZ复杂度反映的是一个时间序列中,重要参数的提取。- Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, Extract important parameters.
- 详细画出了时域和频域的相关图,计算目标和海洋回波的功率谱密度,一种噪声辅助数据分析方法。- Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain and frequency domain, Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, A noise auxiliary data analysis method.