- 基于fisherface的人脸图像识别,采用lda降维的方法来识别人脸图像-This package implements a well-known FLD-based face recognition method, which is called Fisherface [1]. All functions are easy to use, as they are heavy commented. Furtheremore, a sample scr ipt is incl
- Face Recognition System Face Detection in Matlab Face Recognition Software PCA-based Face Recognition System Face & eye detection Face Recognition Face Parts Detection Face recognition using PCA Face Detection & Recognition System F
- 此代码为matlab代码,分为两个部分。第一部分实现K均值聚类算法应用它来压缩图像。在第二部分中,你将使用主成份分析法pca来实现人脸图像的低维表示。 -This code for the matlab code, is divided into two parts. The first part of the implementation of the K means clustering algorithm to compress the image. In the second par