- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 正交最小二乘辨识算法 该算法除了实现最小二乘辨识功能之外而且能按照各项重要性将其逐一选出并且估计相应系数-OLS Orthogonal Least Quares. [x, ind] = OLS(A,b,r) gives the solution to the least squares problem using only the best r regressors chosen from the ones present in matrix A. This
- 一个统计语言识别系统一般采用移自动语言识别三角洲系数(议会)功能。学童牙科保健服务堆叠比例系数的几帧三角洲的版本。 南区区议会及其应用的详细描述可在西医坎贝尔先生,J.P.坎贝尔,D.A.雷诺,大肠杆菌歌手,年息托雷斯- Carrasquillo,扬声器和语言识别,计算机语音和语言,第20卷,问题2-3,奥德赛2004支持向量机:演讲者与语言识别工作坊 -奥德赛- 04,四月至2006年7月,页210-229。 此代码是一个快速实现移三角洲系数(在MATLAB)。- A st
- 秩约束多帧特征对应算法Rank constraint algorithm for multi-frame feature correspondence-Rank constraint algorithm for multi-frame feature correspondence
- 出并设计了基于计算机视觉的手势识别系统。采用双肤色模型和背景自适应模型进行手势分割,解决纷乱背景 下实时手势分割问题。以傅里叶描述于表缸E手势轮廓,基于BP网络建立的手势识别分类器,具有较强的自学习能力,提高了 识别率。-A hand gesture recogll主ti。n system which based on∞mputer vision is Prescn}ed in thi3 pape。A method of combinirlg double c010r-spatial
- The Mean Shift algorithm clusters an n-dimensional data set (i.e., each data point is described by a feature vector of n values) by associating each point with a peak of the data set’s probability density.
- 机器学习matlab源代码,包括多分类SVM,模式识别,特征选择,回归等算法。-The spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in Matlab. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be compared with
- 堆排序 堆排序利用了大根堆(或小根堆)堆顶记录的关键字最大(或最小)这一特征,使得在当前无序区中选取最大(或最小)关键字的记录变得简单。 (1)用大根堆排序的基本思想 ① 先将初始文件R[1..n]建成一个大根堆,此堆为初始的无序区 ② 再将关键字最大的记录R[1](即堆顶)和无序区的最后一个记录R[n]交换,由此得到新的无序区R[1..n-1]和有序区R[n],且满足R[1..n-1].keys≤R[n].key ③由于交换后新的根R[1]可能违反堆性质,故应将当前无序区
- ECG Feature Extraction Techniques E CG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques-ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Fe
- A new method for performing a nonlinear form of Principal Component Analysis proposed. By the use of integral operator kernel functions, one can eciently compute principal components in high{ dimensional feature spaces, related to input space
- 粒子群优化工具箱,采用Matlab编写的PSO程序工具箱-Development Notes for psopt toolbox Future plans (in no particular order): * Performance improvement: Automatically check for existence of constraints, skip boundary-checking if unconstrained. * Performance impro
- this paper gives comparison study of two feature extractor i.e gabor filter and log gabor filter. algorithms are applied to AR database and JAFFE database. the result found was that log gabor filter shows little better performance than gabor filter.
- 发送邮件服务程序,此功能有邮件提醒功能,比较好用-Send e-mail service program, this feature has e-mail alerts, relatively easy to use
- LLE(Locally Linear Embedding)算法,即局部线性嵌入算法。该算法是针对非线性信号特征矢量维数的优化方法,这种维数优化并不是仅仅在数量上简单的约简,而是在保持原始数据性质不变的情况下,将高维空间的信号映射到低维空间上,即特征值的二次提取-LLE (Locally Linear Embedding) algorithm, local linear embedding algorithm. The algorithm is a method for optimizing no
- Nowadays security becomes a most important issue regarding a spoof attack. So, multimodal biometrics technology has attracted substantial interest for its highest user acceptance, high security, high accuracy, low spoof attack and high recognition
- 用哈希表实现一个拼写检查器spellchecker,给定一个字典, 输入一个文本后,输出拼写有误的单词,并给出用户可能想要表达的正确的单词- In this project, you ll build a hash table and see an example of hashing in action. Many applications, including word processors, text editors, and email clients, include a sp
- matlab判别分析,基本思想是将高维的模式样本投影到最佳鉴别矢量空间,以达到抽取分类信息和压缩特征空间维数的效果,投影后保证模式样本在新的子空间有最大的类间距离和最小的类内距离,即模式在该空间中有最佳的可分离性。-matlab discriminant analysis, the basic idea is to sample the high-dimensional pattern projected onto the optimal discriminant vector space, i
- CNN - 主程序 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox 作者:陆振波 电子
- [原创]混沌分析,聚类分析,支持向量机,群体智能优化,深度学习(卷积神经网络)Matlab工具箱全开源版本下载 作者: 陆振波 毕业院校:海军工程大学,船舶与海洋工程(水声工程),博士 精通方向:信号处理,图像处理,人工智能,模式识别,支持向量机,深度学习,机器学习,机器视觉,群体智能,非线性与混沌,Matlab与VC++混编,大数据 擅长技能:团队激励,战略规划,企业文化,组织架构,C,C++,Matlab,OpenCV,并行计算,图像处理,智能视觉,卷积神经网络,人脸检测,行
- all feature extracting algorithm for brain computer interface