- 此代码为本人运用视频读取函数实现视频帧的读取,并可批量转为BMP等格式,另有运动目标静止背景的提取。内附说明文档,欢迎交流。-this code for the use of video I read function video frames to read and can volume to BMP format. another campaign goal from the background static. Enclosing documentation, welcomed the e
- 本文件中包含的代码是使用Bayesian compressive sensing 理论对图像降噪,修复的程序-his package includes 4 folders. Folder toydata contains core code and demo of the original BRPCA Model Folder MarkovDependency contains core code and demos of the modified BRPCA Model with M
- Video Compression using Content-Based Motion Compensation --------------------------------------------------------- This demo Requires MATLAB (and the Image Processing Toolbox) Tested on MATLAB 7.0 (R14). Run one of the following thr
- Database builder for neural network based on frames from video
- 简单介绍一下视频的存储格式与基本操作方法。一个视频由很多帧的图片构成,当逐帧播放这些图片时,类似放电影形成连续动态的视频效果。从数学表达上来看,存储于计算机中的视频,可理解为一个3维数据,其中代表视频帧的长,宽,代表视频帧的帧数(Briefly describes the video storage format and basic methods of operation. A video is made up of pictures from many frames. When frames