- 这里提供一套C++的point定义类,里面有丰富的成员函数,全部通过验证。同时也望朋友们对其进行扩充和改进,我的联系地址为 yxding@gmail.com
- OpenSVM was developped under Visual C++ 6.0 SP6, You can open the workspace file(*.dsw) in the opensvm-src folder. The folder include the svm.h and svm.cpp which in the libsvm (Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin All rig
- RANSAC Toolbox by Marco Zuliani email: marco.zuliani@gmail.com -RANSAC Toolbox by Marco Zuliani email: marco.zuliani@gmail.com -------------------------------
- sample c functions atof , strstr and memcmp.. these function was writtend again ...if u have a question please contact umarsizcocuk@gmail.com
- Bellman-Ford算法的源代码。大伙自己看吧,看不懂的allenlsy@gmail.com-code for algorithm bellman-ford. allenlsy@gmail.com
- DC++是一个开放源码的免费的P2P客户端软件,用于文件交流,支持中文搜索。-DC++ Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck at gmail dot com This program is licensed under GPL-2 with the notable exception that you may compile it with OpenSSL (www.openssl.org). Here
- This package contains scr ipt to calculate aliasing for given time domain signal. scr ipt to plot in time domain the function: x(t)=A0cos(2pif0t)+A1cos(2pif1t) where fs1=300 Hz and fs2=150 Hz (sampling rate) A0 and A1 are amplitude s signal (a
- scr ipt to show the fist 32 samples of y=cos(w0*n+fi) for a fixed phase and a w0(angular frec) 0,pi/4,pi/2,3*pi/4 by actinio --vjgonzalezg@gmail.com--
- scr ipt for designing FIR filter low pass with lineal phase & cut-frecuency equal to obtained from a IRR Filter. Windows used: a)Rectangular window. b)Hamming window. c)Kaiser window. "Calculus of the windows are obtained
- scr ipt to design an IIR Filter low pass using Butterworth & lineal transformation to convert from analogic to digital a prototype filter. by actinio vjgonzalezg@gmail.com :) It plots: 1-Frecuency response of the filter imp
- Satlink calculus is a scr ipt to realice the process of calculus of an link occuped by a transponder to multiple low carriers capacity considering certain parameters and esentials characteristics of the net. This program resolves the exercise from fi
- This scr ipt calculate the Fourier transform of a Rectangular window of 64 points using an aproximation with a DFT of 1024 points,as well as calculates for differents values of f0 and f1 the module of the frecuency response of the windowed signal.
- AVLtree 同时实现了avl树的插入和删除算法,严格测试正确性,同时提供递归和非递归,算法可读性非常强 如有疑问可与作者联系qlaraya@gmail.com-AVLtree while achieving the avl tree insertion and deletion algorithms, rigorous testing accuracy, while providing recursive and non recursive algorithm is very str
- matlab程序;对两个独立信号进行混合,然后对盲源信号进行盲源分离(FastICA)、性别判断、声音加强,如果需要使用性别判断程序,请先安装voicebox,一个matlab toolbox。 有不明白的地方联系yourconnery@gmail.com-matlab program; mixed signals on two independent and then to do the blind signal source separation, sex determination and
- this Customer Evaluation which is done by neural network contact email: bioeng.yoosofzadeh@gmail.com-this is Customer Evaluation which is done by neural network contact email: bioeng.yoosofzadeh@gmail.com
- Bayesian level-set inversion protocol The code is in a working development state and has been tested on a few example problems prior to publication in WRR. We are always looking for people to help test the code on further problems, though, as we
- Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction (v0.8b) ------------------------- Author: Laurens van der Maaten Affiliation: Delft University of Technology Contact: lvdmaaten@gmail.com Release date: April 18, 2012 Version: 0.8b
- 我编写的计算occupied bandwidth(OBW)的测试代码,仅供参考,如有改进请通知我xiangzhiyi@gmail.com,谢谢。 原理是先找到极大值,然后分别向左右外推,计算何时能达到规定的能量百分比,外推的方案是,左右两点取高点外推,同时限定单方向连续外推数不超过3次,防止遇到奇异点引起单方向外推不止,总的来说,左右两边外推次数基本相等,但每次外推越过的点数不一样。-Test code of calculate the occupied bandwidth (OBW) wr
- here is the algorithm for 3 prs parrallel manipulator that i have developed hassity@gmail.com
- good codes for wsn, mail alimudher@gmail.com