- 互信息盲源分离,这基于这么一个事实,混合信号的互信息最小时,意味着信号独立。可以参考有关书籍。在google里面,搜索mutual information blind source separation.即可搜到文章。-mutual information Blind Source Separation, such a fact-based, mixed-signal information in the most hours of each other, mean signal indepen
- 一个google的考试题,看看难不难/。-a google the examination, about if it is hard to see /.
- These tools are for use by developers so that they can create more robust applications. Especially of use to those developing multi-threaded applications in C++ with templates. Includes TCMalloc, heap-checker, heap-profiler and cpu-profiler. http://w
- 参考Apple Coding Guidelines for Cocoa, Google Objective-C Style Guide, Three20 Source Code Style Guildelines,并结合自己的实际情况总结了一份编码规范。自己在实行的过程中确实感觉到代码更加清晰了,看上去也“专业”了。希望对编码尚不规范的童鞋有所帮助。-Reference Apple Coding Guidelines for Cocoa, Google Objective-C Style Gui
- KML 2.0介绍 KML全称是Keyhole Markup Language KML,是一个基于XML语法和文件格式的文件,用来描述和保存地理信息如点、线、图片、折线并在Google Earth客户端之中显示 The core of the project is the KMLCreator.cs. This has three classes, KMLCoordinates, KMLPoint and KMLLine-Google Earth KML File Creator C
- use for call to google
- 构造分页导航数字的函数,效果类似google的,保证能用-Construct a function of number of page navigation, the effect similar to google, the guarantee can be used
- 俺是个菜鸟,这两天用到CRC32方面的东西。于是俺就到Google上google一下。嘿!你别说,网络这东西 还真好!google出成千上万的结果,有讲原理的,有讲算法的,有提供远程序的,还有提供可执行程序 的。于是俺怀着敬畏的心情把这些知识统统收藏。回去弄成程序一执行,嘿,你别说,结果那个错啊!!俺就怀疑是俺的智商问题,原代码没弄对,就去弄几个可执行程序,一测试, 那个结果的品种繁多啊!!! -I was a rookie, it used two days CRC32
- 升级说明:查询历史优化,多个重复记录只显示一个 ! 主要功能: 1、类似Google PR,Sogou也有自己的Rank值。本工具即用来查询Rank值; 2、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 3、免费、开源程序。 配置参数设置技巧:调整查询历史周期,默认24小时,可编辑Textclass.php第310行。-Upgrade Descr iption: Query optimization history, a number of duplicate recor
- 用C语言编写一个BBS发贴机器人bbsrobot.c。编译程序命令如下: gcc bbsrobot.c -o bbsrobot 运行效果就不贴出来的,可能涉及某些网站的安全吧-A post system, with the c language. If GET/POST、Host、User-Agent、Accept、Accept-Language、Accept-Encoding、Accept-Charset…… ,use google to translate.
- 动物世界里猎豹的奔跑总是很让人有速度的美感。这天,猎豹盯上了一只野猪,现在 要捉住它,由于猎豹很好的保护色,所以野猪没发现猎豹。猎豹和野猪在同一条直线上, 他们的坐标分别是 x 和 y,x 是小于等于 y 的。 现在猎豹有两种跑法: 1跑动一格,就是从x到x+1或者x-1; 2跑动一倍,就是从x到2*x。 现在请你找出最少要几步捉到野猪。 ★数据输入 输入第1行给出两个正整数x、y(0<x<=y<=100000),分别表示猎豹的坐
- The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB- This code is written by M.A. (aka lftx). The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB to Turkish (yo
- A lot of (15) MatLab completed labs, with a full descr iption and explanation (Russian, but can be translated to English/Chinese using Google Translator). Will be useful for students at their first part of MatLab course.
- 此程序主要是用Matlab进行点云数据的三维建模,对用Matlab进行三维重建有实用价值。 -The procedure is to use Matlab for modeling three-dimensional point cloud data on the three-dimensional reconstruction with Matlab has practical value.
- this program to plot latitude position on google map using matlab
- 大数据量的问题是很多面试笔试中经常出现的问题,比如baidu google 腾讯 这样的一些涉及到海量数据的公司经常会问到。-Large data problem is a lot of interview questions that often appear in written test, such as Tencent baidu google some of this mass of data related to the company often asked.
- 通过实例学习用幂法解决方程组的特征值和特征向量实际问题,并以Google的PageRank算法为例进行验证。-Learn by example the power method to solve the equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors problems, and to validate Google' s PageRank algorithm, for example.
- GOOGLE的图像检索程序,应用MATLAB编写,简单易懂,适用于初学者-GOOGLE image retrieval procedures, using MATLAB to prepare, easy to understand for beginners
- google下载的很全的ensemble算法,可以作为初学使用-Google to download a whole ensemble algorithm, can be used as a beginner
Tensorflow 实战Google深度学习框架
- TensorFlow的一些样例代码。Tensor(张量)意味着N维数组,Flow(流)意味着基于数据流图的计算,TensorFlow为张量从流图的一端流动到另一端计算过程。TensorFlow是将复杂的数据结构传输至人工智能神经网中进行分析和处理过程的系统。(Tensor (Zhang Liang) means N dimension array. Flow (flow) means computation based on data flow graph. TensorFlow flows f