- FFTGUI Demonstration of Finite Fourier Transform. FFTGUI(y) plots real(y), imag(y), real(fft(y)) and imag(fft(y)). FFTGUI, without any arguments, uses y = zeros(1,32). When any point is moved with the mouse, the other plots respond.
- A solution (with a .txt file containing test cases) to the Mutant Flatworld Explorers problem in Volume I of the Problem Volumes of the UVA Online Judge. The problem is available at http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8
- Java版运算表达式解析器 主要功能: 对有括号的四则运算解析并求解. 支持多种表达式类型 思路: 1.把中缀表达式转化成后缀表达式 2.从后缀表达式得到解 注意: 该版本只支持1.6JDK,如果想替换成1.5JDK改替换LinkedList的几个方法就行了. 详细内容: http://jomper.javaeye.com/blog/464906-Java version of computing expressions parser mai
- The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB- This code is written by M.A. (aka lftx). The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in MATLAB to Turkish (yo
- In putting together this course pack we decided not to simply include copies of the slides for the course presentation, but to attempt to put together a small booklet of information that could stand by itself. The course slides and other useful
- this MATLAB m-file slices an single image file to 128*128 pieces. It can be used to make Street Maps for mobile phones with (JTrustN StreetMaps for mobile phones): http://java-phones.com/download/jtrustn-streetmaps/
- TILSAPA是由印度规划专家Bharat Ranjan Kavuluri提出的最新规划算法,可以有效解决目前较为复杂的规划约束,在JAVA语言实现的规划器中是比较优秀的,并参加了第四界世界规划大赛,见http://ipc.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/。-Bharat Ranjan Kavuluri by planning experts in India planning algorithm can effectively solve the more complex
- trove是轻量级实现java.util Collections API的第三方开源项目 官网: http://trove.starlight-systems.com/overview trove相比jdk原生的集合类有三个优势: 1、更高的性能 2、更底的内存消耗 3、除了实现原生Collections API并额外提供更强大的功能 集合是java编程最常用的API之一,把项目的集合对象改用trove替换就能获得性能提升和内存的节省。 这是对一个项目底成本的优化方案。 -high perfor
- 当前的很多海洋数据都是海量数据,传统的ftp下载费时费磁盘,因此,openDAP方式越来越多,通过opendap可以选择直接需要的时间、空间范围内的资料。nctoolbox结合matlab实用,效果非常好的opendap工具包-NCTOOLBOX- 20130305 Full instructions and documentation at: http://code.google.com/p/nctoolbox/ We are in the progress of mo