jpgtobinary jpg图像进行二值化转化
- 可选择一幅jpg图像,进行二值化转化。其中包括用PCNN方法和用matlab自带命令两种方法,可进行比较实验-Choose a jpg image, binarization transformation. Including the use of PCNN methods and comes with the matlab command two methods can be compared to experimental
- jpeg压缩matlab源代码。由均匀量化和huffman编码组成,简洁易懂,jpeg compression matlab source code. By the uniform quantization and huffman coding components, concise and understandable
- 自己编写的BFSK调制与解调,内含matlab-figure-file、matlab-M-file和得出的jpg格式图形!,I have written BFSK modulation and demodulation, containing matlab-figure-file, matlab-M-file and come to the jpg format graphics!
- 盲信号用于语音识别maltab程序代码\bfpat4demo.p ................................\BSS_DEMO.fig ................................\BSS_DEMO.p ................................\do_FDICA.p ................................\get_arraydata.p ...................
- 自己编写的BDPSK调制与解调,内含matlab-figure-file、matlab-M-file和得出的jpg格式图形!-I have written BDPSK modulation and demodulation, containing matlab-figure-file, matlab-M-file and come to the jpg format graphics!
- matlab jpeg压缩代码文档。包括一些基本jpeg知识和常见开发问题-matlab jpeg compression code document. Jpeg, including some of the basic knowledge and common development
- 自己编写的QPSK调制与解调,内含matlab-figure-file、matlab-M-file和得出的jpg格式图形!-I have written QPSK modulation and demodulation, containing matlab-figure-file, matlab-M-file and come to the jpg format graphics!
- 自己编写的BPSK调制与解调,内含matlab-figure-file、matlab-M-file和得出的jpg格式图形!-I have written BPSK modulation and demodulation, containing matlab-figure-file, matlab-M-file and come to the jpg format graphics!
- This a program for extracting objects from an image. Written for vehicle number plate segmentation and extraction. Authors : Jeny Rajan, Chandrashekar P S. U can use attached test image for testing input - give the image file name as input. eg
- Makes a simple avi movie from a sequence of frames The user can control the display time of each frame. The movie is created in the same folder where this function is run. Usage: Inputs: name: root name of the framse filetype: .bmp , .j
- This function saves a figure or single axes to one or more vector and/or bitmap file formats, and/or outputs a rasterized version to the workspace, with the following properties: - Figure/axes reproduced as it appears on screen - Cropped border
- 使用帧间差分法进行运动目标检测,内含两组测试图像和测试结果,分别为bmp和jpg格式,并且有详细的使用说明。郑重说明:本程序对阴影处理效果不佳,但思路清晰明了,适合初学者参考。-Frame difference method using the moving target detection, containing two sets of test images and test results, respectively, bmp and jpg format and detailed ins
- Matlab鼠标画图,用pop-up menu选择画图标记,颜色edit记录鼠标坐标 但是功能比较简单,只能画线,不能画矩形、椭圆等 其中一个难点就是:拖动鼠标的过程中如何显示矩形/椭圆的轮廓,并且轮廓跟着鼠标指针移动。 程序的亮点: 1、可选择点、线、矩形、椭圆进行画图; 2、可选择marker、LineTyple进行画图; 3、可选择画图颜色; 4、可实时显示鼠标指针当前坐标; 5、可清除画板; 6、可保存画好的图(bmp、jpg、gif); 7
- 能测定蓝底白字的车牌,图片格式要设定为640*480的jpg。-It can recognize the vehicle number plate with white number on a blue background.
- matlab编程完成一GPS网的平差计算。起算数据见文件“起算数据.TXT”;GPS网略图见“网图.jpg”;基线向量观测值和方差见“基线.bas”。根据已知起算数据和观测值建立数学模型并进行最小二乘平差计算和精度评定。代码和计算结果在实习报告中也已详细列出。-matlab program to complete a GPS network adjustment calculation. Initial data the document entitled " Initial Data.
- 人脸检测的程序,效果不错!内附用法说明,调用一张图片,将现实出人脸的边缘。-code for facedetection,the performance is nice! usage: I=double(imread c:\Data\girl1.jpg )) detect_face(I) The function will display the bounding box if a face is found.
- MATLAB车牌识别系统设计。包括源代码和设计文档。-MATLAB license plate recognition system. Including the source code and design documentation.
- projet for jpg & jpg2000 with matlab code
Zigzag for JPG compression
- This code is very useful especially for JPEG compression. It uses zig-zag
- clc; clear all; close all; [filename, pathname, filterindex] = uigetfile({'*.jpg;*.tif;*.png;*.gif','All Image Files';... '*.*','All Files' }, '选择待处理图像', ... 'images\01.jpg'); file = fullfile(pathname, filename);%文件路径和文件名创建合成完整文件名 id = Get_