- FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most operating systems, including Windows.-Sorenson
- 基于"trace transform"的识别2D图像的C++源程序, 主文件是tt.cpp, 在LINUX下可以用 g++ tt.cpp -o tt -O3进行编绎, 而且最后的结果也可以在MATLAB下显示出来, This package presents C++ tools to the trace transform of a 2D image, and related objects, i.e. circuses and triple features, matlab
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- Demo Software: SIFT Keypoint Detector-This page provides access to a demo version of David Lowe s SIFT keypoint detector in the form of compiled binaries that can run under Linux or Windows.
- 《数值分析》(Numerical Recipes)书中的所有例子,C / C++ 代码大全。这个在官方网站上是收费的。此版本是Linux版本V2.08版,包含ANSI-C格式,还有KR-C格式,其他的Numerical Recipes版本待上传。-Numerical Recipes Code is the C++ computer code from the Numerical Recipes book in machine readable form, ready to be included
- 《数值分析》(Numerical Recipes)书中的所有例子,C / C++ 代码大全。这个在官方网站上是收费的。此版本是Linux版本V2.06b版,包含ANSI-C格式,还有KR-C格式,其他的Numerical Recipes版本待上传。-Numerical Recipes Code is the C++ computer code from the Numerical Recipes book in machine readable form, ready to be include
- 《数值分析》(Numerical Recipes)书中的所有例子,C / C++ 代码大全。这个在官方网站上是收费的。此版本是Linux版本V2.02版,包含ANSI-C格式,还有KR-C格式,其他的Numerical Recipes版本待上传。-Numerical Recipes Code is the C++ computer code from the Numerical Recipes book in machine readable form, ready to be included
- DateConvert:简单而快速的日期转换 DateConvert转换DATESTR(0)格式的日期向量或序列号和日期向后。 Matlab的DATENUM,DATEVEC和DATESTR接受各种不同意见,但结果他们是缓慢的。如果输入格式正是众所周知,转换可以更快: DATENUM( 17 - 10 - 2009 11时08分23秒 ):2.97秒 DateConvert( 17 - 10 - 2009 11时08分23秒 , 号码 ):0.039秒 =&g
- 股票分析源代码,可用于中国股市和国外股市,只是需要增加数据下载引擎。 -Stock of the source code can be used for China' s stock market and foreign stock markets, but need to increase the data download engine.
- 快速NCC(normalized cross correlation)算法实现。比matlab自带的normxcorr2 快10-20倍。在windows Unix环境下c语言,和matlab编译通过。-use Matlab on Windows or Linux or Mac OS X and want fast (exact, general-case) normalized correlation (NCC) code right now, then download it and enj
- MTL公司的矩阵模板库,需要先下载boost库提供运行环境。目前只有源代码,下次上传说明文档和示例-MTL' s matrix template library, you need to download the boost library provides runtime environment. At present, only the source code, documentation and sample the next upload
- adaptive filter Usage To make full use of this tutorial you have to 1. Download the file AdaptiveFilter.zip which contains this tutorial and the accompanying Matlab program(s). 2. Unzip AdaptiveFilter.zip which will generate a subdirectory Ad
- 语音识别软件xvoicelinux的源码,开发系统是linux,使用的是C语言开发的。-Source code voice recognition software xvoicelinux' s development system is linux, use the C language development.
- 说明:Kamath于2002年提出的多频带谱减法,用于调节频率减法系数以及信噪比。注意:信号的第一个0.25sec用于噪声建模。-Multiband_Kamath.m Descr iption: Multiband spectral subtraction as proposed by Kamath 2002. Uses adjusts the subtraction coefficient with the frequency as well as the SNR. note
- 1. 经典的算法实现 2. 服务器端 3. 正确,易于使用和改造, 一个头文件一个算法,并附带一个demo. 1. 一个算法用一个.h文件表示放到include下.2. 算法演示的demo程序放到src下.3. 程序正确通过后,请发起Pull Requests,代码被验证后入库,并在README中发布新算法实现。 已实现 ( Implemented ): Array shuffle Prime test(trial division) Prime test(Mi