- Viewpoint Adjustment Using Seam Carving Imitate Parallax with Seam Carving: Foreground objects or other objects of interest are tend to be more “interesting” than the background. Seam carving algorithm can automatically distinguish the two.
- 主要完成的工作是在监控的场景中检测出运动的物体,去除干扰的背景,只留下感兴趣的目标即目标提取。目标提取,运动信息提取,PCA和诊间差分方法。-The major work done to monitor the scene in the moving objects detected, remove the background interference, leaving only the object extraction target of interest. Object extracti
- Extended Kalman Filter Tracking Object in 3-D-Assume that we want to track an object moving in 3-D space with constant velocity. Our instruments observe bearing, range and high(cylindrical coordinates). However, of an interest are rectangular coordin
- Active contours or \snakes" can be used to segment objects automatically. The basic idea is the evolution of a curve, or curves subject to constraints from the input data. The curve should evolve until its boundary segments the object of intere
- Active contours or \snakes" can be used to segment objects automatically. The basic idea is the evolution of a curve, or curves subject to constraints from the input data. The curve should evolve until its boundary segments the object of intere
- Active contours or \snakes" can be used to segment objects automatically. The basic idea is the evolution of a curve, or curves subject to constraints from the input data. The curve should evolve until its boundary segments the object of intere
- “Fast Tracking via Dense Spatio-Temporal Context Learning,” In ECCV 2014的源代码,效果非常好。-In this paper, we present a simple yet fast and robust algorithm which exploits the spatio-temporal context for visual tracking. Our approach formulates the spatio-te
- surf算法对导入的图像在视频里做匹配,方框标记出来, 清晰易懂-use SURF detector to match object of interest
- 大学生面向对象程序设计课程编码。一个简单的个人银行系统实现。可以进行日期、利率等计算。-College students for the object oriented programming course encoding. A simple personal banking system to achieve. Can date, interest rates, etc..
- 一、实验名称:银行账户模拟 二、实验目的:这道题的主要目的是加深同学们对于面对对象编程中继承理解 三、实验内容: 创建一个银行账户的继承层次,表示银行的所有客户。所有的客户都能在他们的银行账户中存钱、取钱。任务主要如下: (1)创建Account类,作为基类。Account类应该包含帐户余额,并提供构造函数;向账户中余额加钱的方法;减少账户中余额的方法;获取当前帐户余额的方法。 (2)创建Account类的派生类:储蓄账户SavingAccount类,除去基类Account的