- 用MATLAB GUI做的一个播放器,并能显示波形,播放WAV格式的文件!-It use matlab to make a player, and it can display the wave of the file, can only play the wave file!
- Advanced MP3 Converter 能够直接将(批量进行)WAV、MP3、WMA、OGG、APE、MPC、AAC、Flac、Ofr、Spx、Wv 文件格式转换为 WAV、MP3、WMA、OGG、APE 格式而无需生成过渡文件,并自动产生播放清单;能在转换时自动规范化音量,可用以烧录自己的高品质 CD;内置有小巧而功能俱全的播放器(播放清单、均衡器一个都不少);可查看文件信息;查看并编辑 MP3 id3 v1/v2 标记、APE 标记、WMA 标记。界面简洁、美观,支持拖放操作;可更换外
- Digital Equalizer in MATLAB7.0CODE,you can open a .wav file to play. And,you can adjust EQ arameters as your will. It also include two test files. One is a rock song. The other one is classic music. -Digital Equalizer in MATLAB7.0CODE,you can open a
- 声音信号处理,采集和分析语言信号的频谱并且用低通滤波器处理该信号。播放最后处理信号。-treat the signal of son, detect the signal of son and analyse the frequental spectre of signal and treat it with filtre passe-bas. Play the wav treated.
- 用Matlab打开.wav格式的音乐文件,并进行播放,文件形式:M文件-Matlab open. Wav format music files, and play files in the form: M file
- 自己在MATLAB GUIDE下编写的数字均衡器。能播放WAV格式音频文件并进行8段均衡器调节,显示原波形、频谱和调节后的波形、频谱。压缩文件中还包含了3个可以参考的类似程序报告。-An EQ designed in MATLAB GUIDE. It can play WAV file and do the EQ, show the frequency spectrum and wave shape of original and filtered file.
- 使用matlab的waveread函数读入两个.wav格式的数据文件,采用补零或截取方式使它们具有相同长度,然后分别完成序列的延迟/超前/加/标乘及卷积运算,对运算结果采用wavwrite函数写为.wav文件并加以播放(或用sound直 接播放),分析上述操作对序列的实际影响 -Use of matlab waveread function reads two. Wav format data files, using zeros or intercepting a way that t
- 1. Extract files and run Audio_denoise_main.m file folder... 2. Click on Load & play Audio file and Original sound.wav file 3. Then using slider AWGN (White gauusion noise)...it is vary 1 to 10 set it to 10.. 4. now click on Add Noise and play.
- 数字音效处理器以MATLAB为设计平台,有.wav文件的获取、滤波、保存和播放功能。在对声音文件进行基本波形分析和频率分析的基础上,增加了特殊音效的功能,并有8段均衡器可对声音信号进行调节后保存播放。此外还附有语音识别程序。-Digital audio processor uses MATLAB design platform,it has wav file access, filtering, saving and playback function. On the basis of soun
- 利用matlab读入wav音频,进行音频均衡后,播放音频效果,不错的-Using matlab into wav audio, audio is balanced, play audio effect, good
- 利用matlab读入wav音频,进行音频均衡后,播放音频效果,不错的-Using matlab into wav audio, audio is balanced, play audio effect, good
- 可以实现对自己录制的wav格式声音进行频谱分析时域分析并且加入随机噪音,可播放声音进行对比,自动绘制波形频谱图。最后进行去噪滤波。适合大学生数字信号处理课程实验(It can realize the spectral analysis of the wav format, record the time domain analysis and add random noise. It can play the voice contrast, and automatically draw the
- 利用gui界面 1)以“wav”格式导入一个音乐文件,并从中提取一个音轨。 2)导入一个短的语音文件(预录制或录制的直播),并从中提取一个音轨。 3)独立播放两声音轨, 4)允许用户混合音乐轨道和音乐轨道的选定部分,以便语音注释音乐(即您可以听到声音和音乐)。 5)播放新的声音 6)将新编辑的声音以“wav”格式保存到磁盘。(GUI interface supporting: audio play,addition, and save)