- This algorithm was developed by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT and can be found presented in several languages. What I provide to you here is a C++ derivative of the original C implementation of Professor Rivets. The library code itself is pla
- 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是近几年发展起来的一种崭新的全局优化算法,它借 用了生物遗传学的观点,通过自然选择、遗传、变异等作用机制,实现各个个体的适应性 的提高。这一点体现了自然界中\"物竞天择、适者生存\"进化过程。1962年Holland教授首次 提出了GA算法的思想,从而吸引了大批的研究者,迅速推广到优化、搜索、机器学习等方 面,并奠定了坚实的理论基础。 用遗传算法解决问题时,首先要对待解决问题的模型结构 和参数进行编码,一般用字符串表示,这
- 美国麻省理工大学教授人工智能的课件以及课后的习题相关-American University professor of artificial intelligence at MIT courseware and the exercises related to the after-school
- The data files included are .MAT or *.dat (ASCII)files. The m-files and the data may be distributed, provided that the source is acknowledged in any publication and the data are not sold. Since this software is being distributed free of charge,
nsga2code-from-Deb 经典的多目标优化NSGA-II算法
- 经典的多目标优化NSGA-II算法,来自Deb教授的实验室网页,非常有用-Classical multi-objective optimization algorithm NSGA-II, from the laboratory of Professor Deb pages, very useful
- 数据挖掘著名学者韩家炜教授的数据挖掘软件,可以进行联机分析处理OLAP和简单的数据挖掘。,Data Mining renowned scholar Professor Han Jiawei' s data mining software can be on-line analytical processing OLAP and Data Mining simple.
- 中科院研究生院信息学院杨立祥教授vc++面向对象程序设计课件,2010年版!-Chinese Academy of Sciences, Graduate School of Information Science Professor Yang Lixiang vc++ object-oriented programming courseware, the 2010 edition!
- 陆吾生教授是加拿大维多利亚大学电气与计算机工程系的教授。此课件为其在国内大学短期精品课程的课件。包含最优化问题求解,压缩感知方法及其在稀疏信号和图像处理中的应用(压缩、重构、降噪等)。-Professor Lu Wusheng University of Victoria, Canada Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The courseware for the University in the domestic short
- 这个是西安电子科技大学的陈怀琛教授编写的《数字信号处理教程——MATLAB释义与实现》(第2版)程序集,This is the Xi' an University of Electronic Science and Technology, prepared by Professor Chen Huaichen " Digital Signal Processing Course- MATLAB Interpretation and Implementation" (2nd
- 唐启义教授的DPS7.0版,是国内第一个数据挖掘或数据分析应用软件,内有统计分析、层次分析法、模糊综合评价、神经网络等多个领域,内有一个解密文件。,Professor Tang Qiyi the DPS7.0 version is the first data mining or data analysis applications, there is statistical analysis, analytic hierarchy process, fuzzy comprehensive ev
- LIBSVM 是台湾大学林智仁(Lin Chih-Jen)副教授等开发设计的一个简单、易于使 用和快速有效的 SVM 模式识别与回归的软件包, 他不但提供了编译好的可在 Windows 系列系统的执行文件,还提供了源代码,方便改进、修改以及在其它操作系统上应用-LIBSVM is National Taiwan University Lin ( Lin Chih-Jen ) Associate Professor and develop the design of a simple, easy
- 台湾林智仁教授编写的svm工具箱,比较好用,是众多SVM工具箱中相当经典的一个,被国内外很多学者所引用。-This tool has been developed by professor Chih-Jen Lin of TaiWan.It is easy to use.Besides it was widely used by scholars all over the world.
- 这是台湾大学林智仁(Lin Chih-Jen)副教授等人开发的SVM模式识别与回归的软件包,该软件可以解决C-SVM分类、-SVM分类、-SVM回归和-SVM回归等问题,包括基于一对一算法的多类模式识别问题。-This is the National Taiwan University, Lin Zhiren (Lin Chih-Jen), associate professor, who developed SVM pattern recognition and regression of t
- 薛定宇教授 ctrllab工具箱3.0;PID参数仿真用。 使用方法:1)解压,并在matlab下导入路径;2)在命令窗口执行ctrllab即可。 -Professor Xue Dingyu ctrllab Toolbox 3.0 PID parameters in simulation. Usage: 1) extract and import under the matlab path 2) In the command window to execute ctrllab.
- 模式识别(国家级精品课程讲义),国防科技大学 电子科学与工程学院信息工程系 蔡宣平教授的课件-Pattern Recognition (national best course handouts), the National Defense Science and Technology University of Electronic Science and Engineering, School of Information Engineering, Professor Cai Xuanpin
- GPS TEC计算MATLAB代码,来自东京大学TOMOJI教授-GPS TEC calculation of MATLAB code, from the University of Tokyo professor TOMOJI
- 北大于江生教授有关蒙特卡洛方法和马尔科夫链的两个PPT(PDF格式):An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning、Monte Carlo统计方法。共396页-Peking University Professor Yu Jiangsheng on Markov chain Monte Carlo method and the two PPT (PDF format): An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learn
- Bathe教授的有限元计算程序,包括子空间迭代法-Iterate method in fem field from Professor Bathe.
- This algorithm was developed by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT and can be found presented in several languages. What I provide to you here is a C++ derivative of the original C implementation of Professor Rivets. The library code itself is platfor
- Rice University的Robin C. Sickles professor开发的专门用于paneldata model test and estimation 的program-Rice University s Robin C. Sickles professor devoted to the development of paneldata model test and estimation of the program