- 数据结构大作业——变长记录文件存取类库 设计一个类库,支持对变长记录文件的存贮、插入、删除、查找、修改等功能。-large data structure operations -- variable length records file access library design a class library, support for variable-length records document storage, insert, delete, search, modify fun
- 这是龚纯《精通MATLAB最优化计算》随书源码(M文件)。基于MATLAB优化工具箱,代码包含的内容有:牛顿法等无约束一维极值问题、单纯形搜索法等无约束多维极值问题、Rosen梯度投影法等约束优化问题、L-M法等非线性最小二乘优化问题、线性规划、整数规划、二次规划、粒子群优化、遗传算法。-This is pure Gong " Mastering MATLAB optimization calculations," with the book source (M file)
- program which uses hashing techniques for storing and retrieving the data. Input to the program: Some random numbers. Input will be from a file. Output: First the program reads all the input and store it properly using some hash techniques.
- this *.m file is the implementation of fibonacci search that is used for finding gradient vector in optimizaiton algorithm-this*.m file is the implementation of fibonacci search that is used for finding gradient vector in optimizaiton algorithm
- 运动估计块匹配算法 以下是工程中m文件的简单注释: main.m 可通过主函数调用各种基本的块匹配算法 FullSearch.m 全搜索法(又称为Exhaustive Search) ThreeStepSearch.m 三步搜索法(Three Step Search) NewTSS.m 新三步搜索法(New Three Step Search Algorithm) SESTSS.m 简便高效的三步搜索法(Simple And Efficient TSS)
- this file contain Scatter search Algorithm code
- 查找算法小集合,包含实数、整数、字符串结构体、字符结构体及磁盘文件的顺序查找、对分查找等-Find a small set of algorithms, including real numbers, integers, strings, structure, character, and the disk file structure to find the order of minutes to find other
- 数据结构上机实验——文学助手。可实现读取txt文件或其它文件,扫描其中某个英文字幕或单词并输出搜索词出现的位置。简明、易懂、C++自编版。-Data structure on experiments- literary assistant. Txt file to read can be achieved or other documents, or scan one of the words in the English subtitles and output of the search w
- C语言编写,二叉查找树的非递归实现。包含一个描述二叉树的头文件和实现功能的cpp文件。-Non-recursive implementation of binary search tree, written in C++. Contains a header file of the binary tree of the header files and source file of functions.
- --- --This m-file is written by SPK.Babu for www.usm.my- This M-file simulates the BER of a MLBD SC-BDTS and compares with sphere/lattice detector in presence of AWGN- --------This m-file is written by SPK.Babu for www.usm.my- This M-file s
- the difference between binary search tree and AVL tree in the insert method by estimated run time.
- 写了几个程序,请拍砖 为了配合人工智能导论课的教学,写了几个关于搜索的程序。 这几个程序的目的,是为了帮助同学学习,因此没有考虑程序 的实现效率,只追求算法的实现思路,力求简单明了,尽可能 与书上的算法描述一致。不知是否能达到这个目的,请大家给 提提意见。 共4个程序: 传教士也野人问题,回溯算法 传教士与野人,A*算法 八数码问题,A*算法 Alpha_Beta剪枝算法 一个txt文件,是Alpha_Beta剪枝程序的数据文件。-Wrot
- ◆输入数据: 由键盘输入待查文本文件名和待查单词。待查文件名为:input.txt。 ◆输出数据: 输出文件为output.txt,该文件第一行为该单词在文件中出现的次数。 从每二行开始是依先后次序输出的包含该单词的句子。 -◆ Input data: text file name to be examined by the keyboard input and searching words. Unknown origin file name: input.txt. ◆ O
- 这是一份c语言模拟Linux文件系统,可以实现文件的监理、查找、删除等功能-This is a c language simulation of the Linux file system, can realize file management, search, delete, etc
- 建立一个文本文件,文件名由用户用键盘输入,输入一个不含空格的关键字,统计输出关键字在文本中的出现次数。 本项目的设计要求可以分成两个部分实现:首先建立一个文本文件,文件名由用户用键盘输入;然后输入一个不含空格的关键字,统计输出该单词在文本中的出现次数。-Create a text file, the file name input by the user using the keyboard, enter a keyword with no spaces, statistical outpu
- 使用Python编写的AI程序Pacman,可以适合AI的初学者,有BFS, DFS, UCS, A Star 运行的命令在commands.txt文件里 可以用 bash commands.txt演示-AI programs written in Python Pacman, AI can fit beginners, there BFS, DFS, UCS, the command runs in commands.txt A Star file can bash commands.t
- the harmony search is an evolutionary algorithm.The file consists of a standard harmony search. The code is simple and usable for optimizing any function.
- Search for a specific word in a text file and return its position
- 在数据挖掘、人工智能等领域中,都常用到KD树来进行K近邻查找。本程序是自己用C++实现的一个KD树来进行的K近邻查找程序,包含建树和查找。文件中附有测试文件。-In data mining, artificial intelligence and other areas, it is commonly used to KD tree to find K nearest neighbor. This procedure is K neighbor Finder C++ they used to a
- 该文件为一种求解非线性带约束问题的布谷鸟算法,已通过弹簧设计问题的仿真测试。(The file a cuckoo search algorithm for solving the nonlinear problem with constraints, and the algorithm has been tested by the spring design problem.)