- 有m台不同的机器,n个不同的工件。每个工件有多道工序,每道工序由指定的机器在固定的时间内完成。一道工序一旦开始处理,就不能中断。每台机器一次只能处理一道工序。一个调度就是决定每台机器上工序的处理顺序,使得机器完成所有工件的时间最短。具体的,该问题就是要求在满足(1)、(2)两个约束条件的前提下,确定每台机器上工序的顺序,使加工的时间跨度(从开始加工到全部工件都加工完所需要的时间)达到最小。其中,(1)表示工件约束条件:对每个工件而言,机器对它的加工路线是事先确定的;(2)表示机器约束条件:对每台
- jose.cpp本演示程序中,对给定的n个人进行顺时针编号,每个人持有一个密码。一开始任选一个正整数作为报数上限值(m <= n),从第一个人开始按顺时针方向自1开始顺序报数,报到m时停止报数。-jose.cpp the demonstration program, to the right individuals clockwise n numbers each person has a password. An optional started as a positive intege
- 一个典型的MATLAB河VC++的混合编程,对刚刚起步学习的人很有帮助-a typical VC MATLAB River mixed programming, which has just started to learn the helpful
- The Hopfield model is a distributed model of an associative memory. Neurons are pixels and can take the values of -1 (off) or +1 (on). The network has stored a certain number of pixel patterns. During a retrieval phase, the network is started with so
- 该压缩包的程序实现对图像的边缘进行检测,并且对图像进行阈值分割。源码全部为自己编写,效果不错。不知道上传matlab的源码能不能开通会员,所有上传的都是自己的代码,虽然有些简单但是都是自己的劳动,刚起步,希望和大家交流。-of the compressed image program to the brink for testing and the right image thresholding segmentation. Source for all the preparation work
- 芯片一旦进入摄像头视场,则能被系统感知,系统会开始对该芯片进行自动跟踪,确保ROI区域始终包含芯片,从而缩小了待...系统使用图4所示的方法提取特征量。其中有图像平面上纵、横、斜交叉的20条直线,这20条直线分别标记上1~20的序号... -chip camera field of view, the system will be perceived. the system started automatically tracking chips to ensure that the
- 拥有matlab用户界面的卡尔曼滤波程序,matlab-kalman-GUI,有注释,有三个sample供大家学习,可以作为理解设计各种kalman滤波器的开发导航,对学习研究有借鉴价值。还加了一些我最开始上手学习kalman滤波的文档,希望对大家有所帮助。(无密码)-user interface with Matlab Kalman filtering procedures, Matlab-Tracking - GUI, Notes, for all three sample study, c
- 二维二进制离散粒子群求解agent联盟问题的源代码,按c键迭代开始执行-two-dimensional discrete binary PSO Union agent for the source code, according to c Key iteration started
- 用双链表实现的踢人问题,一群人按顺序排成一圈,从第一个人开始每隔M人踢出一个人,如此循环,求已知最后n个被踢出的,求M-used to achieve the double chain gangs, a group of people formed a circle on the order, started from the first one out of every M-1, so the cycle, known for the last n throwaway, for M
- JAGA提供了各种类型的遗传算法和遗传编程的Java API接口,非常容易上手和使用,有很多容易使用的GA和GP的算子用于扩展,同时有指南和例子-JAGA provide various types of genetic algorithms and genetic programming in Java API interface, very easy to get started and use a lot of easy-to-use and the GP GA Operator for
- 前缀表达式 自己写的,不大好,呵…… 程序挺简单的,刚开始学,请多多指教-prefix expression wrote it myself, a little better, uh ... proceedings quite simple, just started school, please exhibitions
- 刚开始学数据结构时做的一个约瑟夫环,有点复杂,,但总是可以运行,-just started studying data structure so a Josephus, a bit complicated, but they could always run,
- 这是linux下的进化计算的源代码。 === === === === === === ===== check latest news at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ ======================================================================= Welcome to EO, the Evolving Objects library. The latest ne
- The simulator GUI is started with command ui_start in Matlab command window. WLAN simulation starts by clicking the Start Simulation button in the GUI window. WLAN simulation can be terminated, before set number of packets have been reached
- Getting Started with MATLAB英文原版,详细介绍了采用MATLAB进行工程设计的步骤,以及相应的磁盘软件-Getting Started with MATLAB English original, detailed engineering design of using MATLAB steps and the corresponding software on disk
- This guide is intended to quickly get you familiar with the way that MATLAB works. MATLAB has many features that we cannot cover in a short guide, but the guide should be enough to get you started. The program has a very nice on-line help facility fo
- Matlab入门指导书,英文版,高级读者也可以参考。mathwork公司权威认可-Matlab Getting Started instructions, in English, advanced readers can refer to. mathwork company recognized authority
- Texas Instruments - Getting Started with C64x Boards Manual
- SAS操作入门SAS Getting Started-SAS Getting Started
- PSCAD教程笔记实际操练Getting Started - Tutorial 1-very good