Binary erosion and dilation, with fast iterative calls.
For any structuring element other than square or disk this function is way faster than imerode.m and imdilate.m (more than an order of magnitude). It s also handy when you don t have the M
HIT or MISS transform used to check if the given structuring element is present in the given image or not? If present then its HIT or else MISS.
很齐全的VC示例,根据书本例子编写。介绍了数学形态学中结构元素为4连通或8连通的3×3邻域时腐蚀、膨胀运算的快速算法。区域采用线段编码表示,腐蚀与膨胀运算在当前线段与其相邻的上下线段之间通过逻辑运算实现。 -In this paper, a fast algorithm of mathematical morphology erosion and dilation operation for 3×3 neighborhood structuring element with 4-connecti
image enhancement program using various structuring element
The basic steps of the edge-based text extraction algorithm are given below
1. Create a Gaussian pyramid by convolving the input image with a Gaussian kernel
and successively down-sample each direction by half. (Levels: 4)
2. Create directiona