- algorithm , tree hash table, b tree, Tas de Fibonnaci-algorithm, tree hash table, b tree, Tas de Fibonnaci
- 应用多权值神经网络方法对静态手势进行识别, 对手势字母图像采用傅里叶描述子提取特征信息, 取低频信息成分构建成犯维特征向量, 并应用多权值神经网络的算法, 构建各类的神经元网络-W ith th e develo Pm en t of hu m an eom p uter intera etion te ehn olo盯, th e h as been b ased on an im P o rt a n t tas k fo r U r o n s diseu ssion
- FISTA My implementation of an Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm on MATLAB. Based on the implementation discussed in: Beck, Amir, and Marc Teboulle. Fast Gradient-Based Algorithms for Constrained Total Variation Image Denoising and