- 自适应GA SVM 参数选择算法研究Param eter selection algorithm for support vector machines based on adaptive genetic algorithm 支持向量机是一种非常有前景的学习机器, 它的回归算法已经成功地用于解决非线性函数的逼近问题. 但 是, SVM 参数的选择大多数是凭经验选取, 这种方法依赖于使用者的水平, 这样不仅不能获得最佳的函数逼近效果, 而且采用人工的方法选择 SVM 参数比较浪费
- For a mobile robot to be truly autonomous, it must solve the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem. We develop a new metaheuristic algorithm called Simulated Tom Thumb (STT), based on the detailed adventure of the clever Tom Thumb and
- 二维高斯核函数重构 重构方法不依赖于参数化模型-2D Gaussian Kernel Reconstruction fast and accurate state-of-the-art bivariate kernel density estimator with diagonal bandwidth matrix. The kernel is assumed to be Gaussian. The two bandwidth parameter