- 用matlab编写的关于流场测速的一个Demo,处理速度较快、匹配位置准确。-The URAPIV Toolbox contains a set of command-line functions to import, post-process and analyse 2D vector fields from LaVision s DaVis PIV (particle image velocimetry) software. It enables to handle and perform
- opticalflow.m determines the velocity shift between two given images - ideally they should be virtually identical, but there is an affected translation between the two. imageshift.m creates a straightforward translation effect on an image - edge
- 利用SAR卫星在多个时刻的位置和速度信息,计算出任意象元成像时刻卫星的位置,拟合出SAR卫星的轨道模型。-Using SAR satellite in multiple time position and velocity information to calculate as the image element imaging time satellite position, fitting the SAR satellite orbital model.
- 简单六杆机构的matlab编程实例,可求出六杆中各杆的角位移,角速度,角加速度和e点的速度与加速度,并绘制图像。-Simple six institutions Matlab programming examples, can be obtained the rod angular displacement, angular velocity, angular acceleration, and e point in six velocity and acceleration, and draw
- 计算不同温度下麦克斯韦速率分布律的图像,并用辛普森方法求图像下方面积(The image of Maxwell velocity distribution law at different temperatures is calculated and the area under the image is calculated by Simpson method)
- 用于对复杂流场的POD分析,对流场结构进行解构重组(PODDEM is a state of the art detection and estimation method for outliers in Particle Image Velocimetry data. PODDEM can be used on two-dimension and three dimensional data, with up to three velocity components.)