- 复化simponson求积数值分析算法之复化simpson求积算法,详细情形请见源程序,,Visual C++ my赛德尔迭代法.rar - 在VC++实现的赛德尔迭代法,有每次迭代的结果,,Visual C++ -complex plot of simponson for numerical analysis algorithm from a plot of simpson seeking algorithm, details, see the source,, Visual C my
- 球函数可视化, 在MATLAB环境下实现求函数的可视化,分实部和虚部作图-Global visual function in the MATLAB environment to achieve the visual demand function, the real and imaginary parts of sub-plot
- VC++和BC++数值分析类库》光盘 光盘内含C++数值分析动态连接库(包括动态库文件*.dll和入口库文件*.lib及头文件*.h),分Visual C++和Borland C++(Builder)两个版本。另有一个曲线绘制程序Plot.exe 。-VC++ and BC++ numerical analysis library CD THE CD include the*.dll,*.lib*.h files of the numerical analysis library in
- This function alculates Fourier Amplitude spectra of the time series of uncorrected acceleration and velocity depending on the FFTformat argument and produce a plot.Visual inspection of the fas is helpful for setting a low cut frequency in filter des