- 数字全息再现中往往会出现二次球面因子导致相位畸变,本函数基于最小二乘法拟合球面并解出不含二次球面因子的原相。-Digital Holography often secondary spherical factor leading to phase distortion, this function is based on the least squares fit sphere and solve the original phase without secondary spherical fa
- 分支截断算法计算速度快,利用相位质量信息来指导分支设置,可以使分 支尽量设置在质量低的区域,让误差局限在最小范围内,从而获得高质量的解包裹相位。- U5206 u652F u652F u651 u651 u6B09 u6B09 u5B2 U8BBE u7F0E uFF0C u53EF u4E5 u4F7F u5206 u652F u5C3D u91CF u8BBE u7F6E u5728 u8D28 u91CF u4F4E u7684 u5
- 质量导向算法是一种非常有效的相位解包裹算法,属于路径跟踪算法。质量导向算法的基本思想是用一幅质量图来引导相位展开,这个质量图可以用来描述包裹相位图中每个像素质量的好坏。-Quality oriented algorithm is a very effective phase unwrapping algorithm, which belongs to path tracking algorithm. The basic idea of the quality guided algorithm i