- 编译源文件生成可执行文件TestLibjpeg.exe, 此程序可以转换bmp位图为jpg格式,或解压缩 jpg格式图像为bmp格式。 将需转换的bmp格式图片存到和TestLibjpeg.exe 相同的文件夹下,在DOS界面下使用命令行参数 bmp到jpeg的转换使用:TestLibjpeg.exe j 原图片名.bmp 目标图片名.jpg jpeg到bmp的转换使用:TestLibjpeg.exe b 原图片名.jpg 目标图片名.bmp- AppWizard h
- 定义3个结构数组,对A表、B表进行交替冒泡排序,合并递增排列的C表,输出排序后的A表、B表,输出合并后的C表-3 the structure of the definition of an array of A form, B form to the turn of bubble sort, merge table in ascending order of C, the output of the A table after sorting, B form, the combined outp
- 已知数组a[]中含有N个整数,试为a[]中各个元素按其值从大到小的熟悉连续编号, a[i]中的编号对应于b[i]中,要求a[]中允许有相同的编号-Known to the array a [] contains an integer N a test for a [] in the smallest value of the various elements according to their familiarity with the consecutive number, a [i] c
- Zlib压缩算法,可在BCB下和VC下使用,附dll工程,直接用VC可编译成dll,可在其它开发环境下使用-Zlib compression algorithm can be under BCB and VC to use, with a dll project, the direct use of VC can be compiled into a dll, can be used in other development environments
- struct Edge { Edge(int from, int to, int cost) : from(from), to(to), cost(cost) {} friend bool operator<(const Edge& a, const Edge& b) { if (a.cost != b.cost) { return a.cost > b.cost }
- Edge(int from, int to, int cost) : from(from), to(to), cost(cost) {} friend bool operator<(const Edge& a, const Edge& b) { if (a.cost != b.cost) { return a.cost > b.cost }
- Edge(int from, int to, int cost) : from(from), to(to), cost(cost) {} friend bool operator<(const Edge& a, const Edge& b) { if (a.cost != b.cost) { return a.cost > b.cost }
- Very simple class to ZIP and UNZIP files (Streams actually). Based on Ziv-Lempel basic algorithm. Simple.. not fast nor really "compressive" :). Create(A) a ZIP by passing in the stream A you want as source/destination. Call Add(B) to compress a
- 军长搜索是一款基于 Microsoft .NET 2.0 开发的垂直搜索引擎。系统有着强大的文件和数据库引索能力,支持中英文分词,文件相似度分析排序,文件数据时实监控与更新,恐龙级的引索速度和毫秒级的搜索速度,搜索结果高亮显示,系统分两部分组成第一部分是C/s的搜索蜘蛛,第二部分是B/s的 WEB用户搜索显示界面,其整个系统的工作过程完全模仿了超级搜索引擎的工作原理。系统支持对站内和全网的引索。 产品适用范围: 行业垂直搜索引擎、大型新闻门户网站站内搜索、大型行业门户网站
- (1) 文件系统中包括初始化一个系统目录,包括根目录/,5个子目录(bin/ boot/ dev/ etc/ home/)。 (2) 文件系统包括以下操作: (a) 在根目录或者子目录中添加一个文件或者子目录。(目录名最后用 / 结尾,文件名不用) (b) 在根目录或者子目录中删除一个文件或者子目录。 (c) 查找一个目录或文件的路径。(如输入搜索file1,则显示为/home/file1,或搜索user1,则显示为/home/user1/) (d) 退出文件系
- 这是一个半加器,采用vhdl语言,输入端啊a,b,输出sum,co。-failed to translate
- 等式数量.集合是基本的数学概念,集合中的元素是互不相同的。表示相等关系的式子叫做等式。给你一个包含有 N 个整数的集合,如果从集合中找到三个不同的整数 a,b,c, 使得a+b=c,那么我们说这个集合包含一个等式。-Equation number set is the basic mathematical concepts, elements in the collection are different from each other. Means that the equation is c
- 1. Write a program that reads ten numbers supplied by the user into a single subscr ipted array, and then prints out the average of them. 2. Write a program that reads ten numbers supplied by the user into a 2 by 5 array, and then prints out the max
- (1)一个包含10个元素的数组,已按升序排序,输入一个任意的整数,将该整数插入数组中,使数组元素仍保持升序排列。 要求编写一个通用的插入排序函数InsertSort,它带有三个参数,第一个参数是含有n个元素的数组,这n个元素已按升序排序;第二个参数给出当前数组中元素的个数;第三个参数是要插入的整数。该函数的功能是将一个整数插入到数组中,然后进行排序。另外还需要一个用于输出数组元素的函数Print,要求每一行输出5个元素。 (2)编程求下列两个矩阵的加法(结果矩阵的元素值是这
- HDB3码 连“0”个数计数 V脉冲位置记录变量B脉冲位置记录变量 让0000的最后一个0改变为与前一个非零符号相同极性的符号-Even HDB3 code " 0" count the number of pulse position record variable B V pulse position to make 0000 a record variable is changed to 0 and the last one before a non-zero symbo
- required by the algorithm[8]. The step size parameter controls the convergence speed. Hence the algorithm depends on the step size. The step size is a positive constant value which control the size of increment applied in one iteration to the next. T
- 压缩感知信号恢复算法OMP和CoSaMP算法,常用的算法- x = CoSaMP( A, b, k ) uses the Compressive Sampling Matched Pursuit (CoSaMP) algorithm (see Needell and Tropp s 2008 paper http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.2392 ) to estimate the solution to the equation
- The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB)