- Quartz is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side virtually any J2EE or J2SE application - from the smallest stand-alone application to the largest e-commerce system. Quartz can be used to cr
- 堆芯补箱(CMT)是模拟反应堆系统非能动补水实验装置的一个重要组成部分.补水实验是假设当反应堆一回路压力边界上发生踊口事故时,为防止堆芯汽化,将补水箱内的水注入堆芯的过程.当开始补水时,补水箱承受恶劣的热边界条件,随着补水箱内部的水位下降,其内部的蒸汽温度和压力都随时间发生变化,这种动态变化的边界条件,使应力分析的全过程复杂化-Core fill tank (CMT) is a simulation of the reactor system, the non-dynamic replenish
- 面向对象是软件开发的一种方法,产生的目标是增强应用程序代码的可重用性和可靠性,同时减少应用程序的维护工作。一个对象可以由其它的对象来创建,以此构造更复杂的对象。当这样的对象工作的很好时,设计者就不必再关心对象的内部结构。因此面向对象的软件设计方法效率很高-Object-oriented software development is a method of generating the aim is to enhance the application code reusability and
- A simple multi-band QPSK signal transmission scheme, constructed by using an optical remote up-conversion technique and a Schottky diode RF detector, is theoretically analyzed and experimentally implemented in a 60-GHz millimeter wave (mm-wave) r