- FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most operating systems, including Windows.-Sorenson
- 带运动估计的时域滤波,一种基于小波的运动估计方法,可以有效的去除视频流的帧间冗余。与传统的帧参考模式的运动估计相比,没有错误漂移现象。内含编码器和解码器。-Belt Movement estimated time domain filtering, a wavelet-based motion estimation methods, can effectively remove the inter-frame video stream redundancy. With the tradition
- 采用VC语言实现对mpeg 4格式数据中视频流的解码和编码-perform decode and encode for video stream in mpeg 4 format data
- 从TS文件中依次提取出TS流,video packet,PES,es,I帧;然后又依次将I帧打包为TS流实现播放-TS stream video packet PES, es in turn extracted from the TS file, I-frame and then in turn I-frame packaged realization of TS stream playback
- 运动估计是视频编码的关键技术,其最基本的原理是利用相邻帧间的时间 相关性,通过预测来减少时间冗余度。在实际编码中,为了节省码率,并不传 输每一帧的全部数据,而是利用运动估计求出每一帧与其预测参考帧之间的差 值。运动估计越准确,差值的分布越趋近与零,差值块的能量越小,经过变换、 量化和熵编码后所产生的码流的比特位率也越少。因此,运动估计搜索的准确 程度直接影响到了编码的压缩性能。 -Motion estimation is the key to video encodin
- 该芯片是基于视频流的MPEG标准的专用芯片,共有204个引脚,集成有ARM9核,速度非常快。-The chip is based on the standard MPEG video stream a dedicated chip, a total of 204 pins, integrated ARM9 core, very fast.
- complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video-complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video