- source code from Mastering The Standard C++ Classes using C++. 1) The source code listings from each chapter can be found in the listings directory. The listings directory is divided by chapter. 2) A html quick reference for the mo
- 类STL的Tree Class. Open Source. 很多项目都有用到。作者:Kasper Peeters reference:http://tree.phi-sci.com/-a STL-like Tree Class which created by Kasper Peeters. It is an open source file and has already widely used in many mature projects
- C++STL 的版本实现有很多种,包括HP STL , SGI STL ,STLport ,P.J.Plauger STL 和 Rouge Wave STL 等。其中HP STL 是STL 之父Alexandar Stepanor 在惠普Palo Alto 实验室 工作时完成的。HP STL 是C++STL 的第一个实现版本,而且开放源代码。其他版本的 C++STL 一般是以HP STL 为蓝本实现出来的。在Visual C++中采用的是P.J.Plauger 开发的 P.J.P