- 解决时钟问题,acm竞赛题 A weird clock marked from 0 to 59 has only a minute hand. It won t move until a special coin is thrown into its box. There are different kinds of coins as your options. However once you make your choice, you cannot use any other kind.
- HDOJ ACM input:The input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases ) (T is given in the first line of the input. Each test case begins with a line containing an integer N , 1<=N<=200 , that represents the number of tables to move. Ea
- 这个资料是2009年acm/icpc世界总决赛的比赛试题,可以通过试题了解到acm比赛的试题动向-This information is in 2009 acm/icpc final game of the world' s total questions, questions that can match acm test trends
- 最长公共子序列 问题ACM题目 如果序列 { s1, s2, ……, sk } 是序列 { a1, a2, ……, an } 的子序列,又是序列 { b1, b2, ……, bm } 的子序列,则称序列 s 为序列 a 和 序列 b 的公共子序列。在 a 和 b 的所有公共子序列中,长度最长者称为最长公共子序列。 本题对于给定的两个整数序列,请求其最长公共子序列的长度 -The question of the longest common sub-sequence if th
- PKU 2626 Chess的问题解答,C++实现。 使用的是3维DP-It s a C++ solution for the problem-2626 in PKU ACM on-line judge.
- ACM的一些很有用的资料!希望能帮助到大家、-ACM' s some very useful information! Hope to help to everyone
- 北大ACM网站上的一些经典题目,对于提供算法能力有帮助。-Some classical problems in acm web site of pku.It s helpful to improve algorithm ability.
- acm模板库,比较系统的模板库有各种算法的实现的代码实现。经过了实际问题的验证,保证了代码效率和准确性-acm template library to compare the system' s template library with a variety of algorithms to achieve the realization of the code. After the practical problems of verification, to ensure efficie
- 浙大ACM网站(acm.zju.edu.cn)上的部分题目的解题源码!推荐下载!-Zhejiang University ACM website (acm.zju.edu.cn) on the part of the subject' s problem-solving source! Recommended downloads!
- 杭电 不容易系列之(3)—— LELE的RPG难题 题解 http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2045-HDU ACM program for No.3 LELE s RPG problem
- 数据结构和算法讲解,里面有NOIP,ACM竞赛的老师PPT和某个专业方面的深层次了解。里面的有些算法研究的相当深入,值得深入学习。-Explain data structures and algorithms, which has NOIP, ACM contest PPT and a professional teacher' s deep understanding. There' s some pretty in-depth study of algorithms, it is
- Prime Ring Problem 杭州电子科技大学ACM在线判定系统的1016题素数环,本人自己写的算法,有兴趣的同学可以拿去参考下,正常情况是可以AC的-Prime Ring Problem, Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology ACM determine the system' s 1016 title-line prime ring, I write their own algorithms, in
- ACM(Association for Computing Machinery )中文:美国计算机协会是一个世界性的计算机从业员专业组织,创立于1947年,是世界上第一个科学性及教育性计算机学会。ACM每年都出版大量计算机科学的专门期刊,并就每项专业设有兴趣小组。-ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Chinese: Association for Computing Machinery is a worldwide computer practi
- 有助于编程,是男人八题的代码,可以帮助很多爱好ACM的人-It s good for acmer.Eight question is a challenge for many acmer,so it will help you.
- 提供万进制的高精度算法,可用于ACM、CF、TC等的比赛中,代码不算长适合竞赛时使用-for bignum s algorithm.It can be used for programming competetion.
- 一道ACM的日历问题的答案,可计算规定日期的任何一天-An ACM' s calendar answer to that question can be calculated on any given day of the specified date
- zoj 题中space station shield 题的源码和注释-space station shield s solution for ACM training
- ACM,杭电1698,屠夫的钩子,区间求和问题,经典的线段树问题-ACM, Hangzhou Xinhua 1698, butcher' s hook, interval summation problem, the classic problem of segment tree
- 杭州电子科技大学关于ACM1036 1038 1046 1065 1159 2084的相关解法及源程序。-Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology-related solution and source code on ACM1036 1038 1046 1065 1159 2084' s.
- ACM变形题 呃......变形课上Harry碰到了一点小麻烦,因为他并不像Hermione那样能够记住所有的咒语而随意的将一个棒球变成刺猬什么的,但是他发现了变形咒语的一个统一规律:如果咒语是以a开头b结尾的一个单词,那么它的作用就恰好是使A物体变成B物体. Harry已经将他所会的所有咒语都列成了一个表,他想让你帮忙计算一下他是否能完成老师的作业,将一个B(ball)变成一个M(Mouse),你知道,如果他自己不能完成的话,他就只好向Hermione请教,并且被迫听一大堆好好学习的道理