- 程序设计:哈希表的一个应用-Program Design : Hash Table 1 Application
- 清华版数据结构实验要求的的哈希算法原程序-version Qinghua Experimental data structure requirements of the original Hash Algorithm procedures
- 哈希表设计是数据结构中重要的一个项目,该程序详尽说明了哈希表的建立等过程。-hash wishes it is an important project in the structure of the data that the form is designed, this procedure proves exhaustivly hash wishes such course as the setting-up of the form ,etc..
- 为班级30个人的姓名设计一个哈希表,假设姓名用汉语拼音表示。要求用除留余数法构造哈希函数,用线性探测再散列法处理冲突,平均查找长度上限为2.-The names of 30 people for the class to design a hash table, assuming that the name in pinyin. Required to remain with the addition of more than a few method to construct hash fun
- 数据结构课程设计(严蔚敏c版) 哈希表学生管理系统-Data Structure Course Design (YAN Wei-Min c version) hash table management system for students
- 数据结构的C语言实现,包括链表,堆栈,队列,哈希表,二叉树,其中哈希表经过实践可实现1秒查询100万次-Data structure of the C language, including the list, stack, queue, hash table, tree, hash table which can be achieved through practice one seconds query one million times
- 问题描述: 设计哈希表实现电话号码查询系统。 基本要求: 1、设每个记录有下列数据项:电话号码、用户名、地址; 2、从键盘输入各记录,分别以电话号码和用户名为关键字建立哈希表; 3、采用再哈希法解决冲突; 4、查找并显示给定电话号码的记录; 5、查找并显示给定用户名的记录。 6、在哈希函数确定的前提下,尝试各种不同类型处理冲突的方法(至少两种),考察平均查找长度的变化。 -Problem Descr iption: Design hash table to ach
- 1、设每个记录有下列数据项:电话号码、用户名、地址; 2、从键盘输入各记录,分别以电话号码和用户名为关键字建立哈希表; 3、采用再哈希法解决冲突; 4、查找并显示给定电话号码的记录; 5、查找并显示给定用户名的记录。 6、在哈希函数确定的前提下,尝试各种不同类型处理冲突的方法(至少两种),考察平均查找长度的变化。 -1, for each record the following data items: telephone numbers, user name, addr
- 哈希算法的描述,次代码在课程设计中取得了95分的高分。-it s the descr iption of Hash algorithm,which used to get high scores of 95 in mine curriculum project.
- 简单的HASH,显示简单的哈希算法,算是一个例子新手见谅-Simple HASH, shows a simple hash algorithm will be forgiven as an example of new
- 查找: 建立一个哈希查找表,哈希函数采用: H(key)= key P(其中P=13),若发生冲突后,用链地址法解决冲突。-Search: the creation of a hash lookup table, the use of hash function: H (key) = key P (of which P = 13), if the occurrence of post-conflict, and conflict resolution chain address law.
- 数据结构课程作业,查找算法。用哈希算法下实行查找-Data structure course work, search algorithm. Under the hash algorithm used to find
- 这是传说中异常强悍的暴雪公司研究的哈希算法,采用三个哈希表来防止冲突,代码简练自成一体,无论是思想还是代码风格都非常值得大家学习!-This is the legendary Blizzard of abnormal powerful study of the hash algorithm, using three hash table to prevent conflict, the code concise self-contained, whether it is coding style
- 假设哈希表长为m,哈希函为H(x),用链地址法处理冲突,试编写输入一组关键字并建造哈希表的算法。-Suppose the hash table length m, the hash function as H (x), treatment with a chain address the conflict and try to enter a keyword and the preparation of the construction of hash table algorithm.
- 设定哈希函数 H(key) = key MOD 11 ( 表长=11 ),输入一组关键字序列,根据线性探测再散列解决冲突的方法建立哈希表的存储结构,显示哈希表,任意输入关键字,判断是否在哈希表中。-Set the hash function H (key) = key MOD 11 (table length = 11), enter a keyword sequence, then hash based on the linear probing method of conflict reso
- 数据结构课程设计,哈希表,喜欢的可以下载回去,修改下数据即可-Curriculum design data structure, hash table, like you can download the back, you can modify the data under
- 散列表(Hash table,也叫哈希表),是根据关键码值(Key value)而直接进行访问的数据结构。也就是说,它通过把关键码值映射到表中一个位置来访问记录,以加快查找的速度。这个映射函数叫做散列函数,存放记录的数组叫做散列表。(A hash table (Hash table, also called hash table) is a data structure that accesses directly according to the key code value (Key val
- 它通过从预处理源创建一个散列和编译源代码。创建哈希表(It works by creating a hash from the preprocessed sources and the compiler options used to compile the sources)
实验五1 哈希
- 哈希查找,数据结构的简单小程序,供大家参考所用(Hash lookup, a simple small program for data structures for reference. Thank you for reading)
- 采用除留余数法构造哈希表,要求装载因子不超过0.7,线性探测再散列解决冲突,输出哈希表;任意输入关键字,判断是否在哈希表中,若存在显示查找成功并显示查找次数;若不存在,插入到哈希表中,再显示哈希表中的关键字序列。(The hash table is constructed by using the method of removing and reserving remainder. The loading factor is required to be no more than 0.7. T