A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Al
- A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis,数据结构和算法,里面包括Java描述、C++描述和C描述三个版本,非常全-A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Analysis Algorithm, data structures and algorithms, including Java inside descr iption, descr ipti
- hoj 部分题目解题报告 c,cpp或java语言描述-hoj solving part of the subject report c, cpp or java language to describe
- 航空订票系统的c++源码。是数据结构航空客运订票系统的源码,个人制造-Air booking system c++ source code. The structure of air passenger data source booking systems, personal manufacturing
- 在数据结构中利用c++语言实现哈夫曼编译器的功能-hafumanbianyuqi
- 数据结构Java语言版,希望对编程感兴趣的人多加强数据结构的学习,Java是很有前途的语言,避开传统的C版数据结构的千篇一律-Java language version of the data structure, in the hope that more people interested in programming data structure to enhance learning, Java language is promising to avoid the traditional
- 常用的数据结构算法演示,方便于大家了解这些数据结构的算法过程-C++,JAVA,VB
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- LL(1)文法的实现。具体设计要求如下: 1. 可以使用任何语言来完成,例如:Java、C、C++。 2. 文法采用常用的方式进行描述,例如:S→aA。 3. 以文件方式读取文法。 4. 分别求出每一个非终结符FIRST 集FOLLOW集和SELECT集。 5. 画出预测分析表。 6. 判定读入的文法是否是LL(1)文法。 7. 给定的任意符号串判定是否是文法中的句子,将分析过程用计算机打印出来。 8. 查出文法中是否含有左递归或左公因子。若有则消除左公因子和左递
- This article introduces the basic concepts of binary trees, and then works through a series of practice problems with solution code in C/C++ and Java. Binary trees have an elegant recursive pointer structure, so they are a good way to learn recur
- 这是算法设计、分析与实现从入门到精通:C、C++和Java的随书源代码,按照算法之间逻辑关系,对每一个经典算法,都给出了完整的C/C++/Java三种主流编程语言的实现程序。-This is the algorithm design, analysis and implementation from the entry to the master: C, C++ and Java with the book source code, in accordance with the algorith
- Fuzzy clustering is a class of algorithms for cluster analysis in which the allocation of data points to clusters is not "hard" (all-or-nothing) but "fuzzy" in the same sense as fuzzy logic.
- 数据结构与算法分析java版是纯英文版,有英语基础的应该能看的懂,其中的属于可以在线查阅,基本原理与C版的一样。-Data structures and algorithm analysis java version is pure English, English-based should be able to see to understand, which is available online, the basic principles and C versions of the sam
- twofish算法的C#实现twofish是当今最流行的五种算法之一,一般在java开发中最流行,C#中有很多加密算法,twofish可以作为系统的算法之一,供有兴趣的朋友一起研究-twofish twofish C# implementation of the algorithm is the most popular one of the five algorithms, the general development of the most popular in java, C#, the
- 求和由于最后一扇门肯定在正方形的边界举,对每一个中点都求出要从给定点P到达此中点的所需要的最少的门的个数。-hello word wellcom to our school Delphi/java,CppBuilder visual c++Gone Fishing (1042) - ACM/ICPC Regional Contest East Central North America1999Descr iption Archeologists from the Ant
- C语言是学习数据结构的很好的学习工具。理解了C中用结构体描述数据结构,那么对于理解其C++描述,Java描述都就轻而易举了! 链表的提出主要在于顺序存储中的插入和删除的时间复杂度是线性时间的,而链表的操作则可以是常数时间的复杂度。-oprations about link
- recall.c:回溯法求有向图是否存在回路,将结果输出到文件中。dfs.c:深度优先搜索解决N皇后问题,结果输出到文件。Client.java:一个java编写的即时通讯小程序。-recall. depth-first search. Instant message.
- 这是数据结构的教学软件,如果在数据结构有什么不懂得话可以看看这个,你可以得到很多帮助。特别是对于那些刚开始学数据库的人来说(C++语言,java也可以学到的)-this is an teaching software for the data structure ,anybody who is confused with data structure can gain a lot from this software.
- 使用C++语言完成一元二次方程求解问题,此代码为数据结构实验课上使用的例题代码-Use the C++ language completed two once basic quadratic equation to solve the problem, this code for the data structure of the experimental class to use java code
- 并行算法实现wordcount:基于hadoop平台,在Linux上测试: 包括C语言实现的串行算法和Java实现的并行算法。-Parallel algorithm based on hadoop on Linux for wordcount: Including serial algorithm and parallel algorithm based on hadoop.