- a non-sharing smart pointer class that can be used with STL containers such as std::map, vector, list, set, and deque. The smart pointer has an assignment operator and greater than operator that call the target object s operator.-a non-sharing smart
- AVL Tree implementation: I also included a test function to compare the AVL Tree performance with STL Set and Map. Compile the source mavltree.cpp and run it to see the result!-AVL Tree implementation : I also included a test to compare the fu
- 一个德国人Kasper Peeters用C++ template写的tree的STL实现,并和STL其他容器vector,map一样,提供标准STL接口,供用户调用。非常有参考价值,说明文档参见tree.pdf。-a German Kasper Peeters C template to write the tree S TL realized, and other containers and STL vector, map, providing standard STL interface,
- map中由于它内部有序,由红黑树保证,因此很多函数执行的时间复杂度都是log2N的,如果用map函数可以实现的功能,而STL Algorithm也可以完成该功能,建议用map自带函数,效率高一些。 -map due to its internal and orderly to ensure the tree by the red and black, many functions of the time complexity of the implementation are log2N,
- 利用dijkstra算法实现城市间的最短路径和最小花费,利用stl模版类map实现-Dijkstra algorithm using the shortest path between cities and the smallest cost, the use of stl map implementation template class
- 用b+树算法实现的map,set容器,查找速度超快-map,set container base on B+tree algorithm 。can search faster than the STL container base on RBtree algorithm