- 怎样判断一个指针指向的对象是否已经被析构,很好的学习C++的资料-how to decide a pointer at whether the target has been Destructors, good learning C information
- 一个函数指针的例子,C++语言,我在初学C++时写的,可以参考一下-a function pointer example, C language, I was learning C, can take a look
- C/C++语言指针使用指南,超过80%的死机现象是由于指针操作不当引起的。因而学会正确使用指针是C/C++语言使用者非常必要的一项小技能-C / C language pointer using the guidelines, more than 80% of Vista is due indicator of improper operation. So learn how to correctly use is the target C / C language users very nec
- 指针是C和C++语言编程中最重要的概念之一,也是最容易产生困惑并导致程序出错的问题之一。利用指针编程可以表示各种数据结构, 通过指针可使用主调函数和被调函数之间共享变量或数据结构,便于实现双向数据通讯;并能像汇编语言一样处理内存地址,从而编出精练而高效的程序。指针极大地丰富了C和C++语言的功能。-Pointer is a C and C++ Language programming in the concept of one of the most important and most eas
- 这个课程项目完成了给定DAG graph,找到所有拓扑排序并且输出。用到了指针和链表。对于学习C/C++和数据结构比较有帮助。-this course project has output all the topological sorting given the nodes and relation for the DAG graph. This is very helpful for practicing pointer/link list in C/C++ and data structu
- pointer & data sturectur in c
- 掌握线性表的结构特点。 掌握线性表的基本操作:初始化,插入,删除,查找,判空,求线性表长度等运算在顺序存储结构和链式存储结构上的实现。 通过本章实验帮助学生加深对C语言的使用(特别是函数的参数调用、指针类型的应用)。-Grasp the characteristics of the linear structure of the table. Master the basic operation of the linear form: initialization, insert, de
- c++ 模拟指针 功能包括访问元素、删除元素、添加元素,输出元素。使用模块-c++ simulation features including access to the element pointer, delete elements, add elements, output elements. Use module
- This article introduces the basic concepts of binary trees, and then works through a series of practice problems with solution code in C/C++ and Java. Binary trees have an elegant recursive pointer structure, so they are a good way to learn recur
- 泛型函数: 总结:使用标准模板库 (STL) C++标准库提供了更为安全,更为灵活的数据集处理方式。 STL的最主要的两个特点:数据结构和算法的分离,非面向对象本质。 访问对象是通过象指针一样的迭代器实现的;容器是象链表,矢量之类的数据结构,并按模板方式提供; 算法是函数模板,用于操作容器中的数据。由于STL以模板为基础,所以能用于任何数据类型和结构。-Generic function: Summary: Using the Standard Template Library
- Memory allocation If you want to allocate memory to vectors and matrices in C++ it will be very simple with this code. You just need to pass the adress of the pointer. Example: int **p MatrixAllocate(&p, 20, 100)
- c指针结构体文件-c pointer structure files
- 用c++实现的不带头结点的单链表 简单实用 是自己写的 尤其对学生适用-simple code written by c++ , it is a singly linked list without the head pointer
- c语言编写的哈夫曼编码。设需要编码的字符集为{d1, d2, …, dn},它们出现的频率为 {w1, w2, …, wn},应用哈夫曼树构造最短的不等长编码方案。 数据结构与算法 typedef char *HuffmanCode //动态分配数组,存储哈夫曼编码 typedef struct { unsigned int weight //用来存放各个结点的权值 unsigned int parent,LChild,RChild //指向双亲、孩子结点的指针
- 主要是C++链表和指针的一些基本操作,初学的时候写的。-Mainly C++ linked list and some basic pointer operations, beginner' s time to write.
- 字符串数据的组织和处理 标准C++库的使用。 指针的使用方法。 通过debug观察指针约内容及其所指的对象的内容。 通过动态内存分配实现动念数组,并体会指针在其中的作用 -String data organization and processing of standard C++ libraries use. Pointer is used. Observation about the contents of the debug pointer and the conten
- 介绍C语言指针的四方面的内容:指针的类型、指针所指向的类型、指针的值或者叫指针所指向的内存区、指针本身所占据的内存区,和指针的应用-Describes four aspects of pointers in C content: the type of pointer, pointer types, pointer value or name of the memory area pointer, the pointer memory area occupied by itself, and t
- 一些用C语言写的指针实例。包括了排序,组合,计数,函数调用,键盘消息等各种应用指针的例子。-Written in C language pointer instance. Including sorting, combinations, counting, function calls, pointer example of a variety of applications such as keyboard messages.
- c语言字符串函数详解平时积累的关于指针函数的笔记-c language string functions Detailed usually accumulated on the pointer function of Notes
- 用c语言编写的用指针将字符串逆序,运行环境vc6.0-C language prepared by the pointer string in reverse, the operating environment vc6.0