- 计税程序。可以计算每周收入、最近收入、从年初到目前的所得税、扣除的联邦收入税以及帐目检查等。 This program computes weekly payroll, current earnings, year to date earnings FICA tax, federal Income Tax Withheld, and check Amount.-taxable procedures. Income can be calculated weekly, recently inco
- Haskell教程(by rufi) 传统的Basic,Pascal,C++,C#,Java,Python等都是命令(imperative)编程语言, 程序语句有一定的执行次序. 函数(functional)编程语言则给出执行的内容, 关注于更高层次的\"做什么\"而不是\"怎么做\", 这就是二者最明显的一个区别。函数编程语言的语法功能非常强,使编程的效率大幅提高。 Haskell是世界上公认的语法最优美最简洁的一种语言。的确,Haskell语言是写给人看的,而不是写给机器看的。另
- 程序采用可视化界面,对概率统计中的逐步回顾算法,用户可以在界面上输入变量个数,试验次数,对各种情况均可计算,最后输出回归方程。还可以从文件中载入数据,保存数据。-procedures used visualization interface to statistical probability of gradually recalled algorithm, users can interface the number of input variables, the number of all
- 公历(阳历)和农历(阴历)相互转换,公历转农历代码是从网上当的,我做了农历转公历的代码并写了示例程序。其实网上也有很多有关公历转农历的控件,但作为一个程序员就是不太习惯于使用别人的控件,因为那样将不便调试和差错。-calendar (Gregorian calendar) and the Chinese (lunar calendar) 2008, the Lunar calendar code is transferred from the Internet when, I did a Lun
- own Java code. WEKA 是一个机器学习运算法则,它是为解决真实世界中的数据问题。它用java写成并且几乎可以在任何平台上运行。运算法则能够被直接应用到数据集上或者从你自己的java 码中调用。-own Java code. WEKA is a machine learning algorithms, it is to solve the real-world data. Using java can be written in almost any platform. Algor
- 矩阵求逆的并行算法,使用高斯约当消去法,是从一参考书中copy过来的,谢谢原作者。-matrix inversion of the parallel algorithm, about when the use of Gaussian Elimination Act, a reference book from which the copy over, Thank you, the original author.
- 从N个无序数据中找K个最大值的快速算法; 数据挖掘课程作业。-disorder from the N data for the maximum K-fast algorithm; Data mining operations courses.
- 本程序是应用数值分析对线性多元方程组的一种解法……高斯列主元消去法,把系数阵A进行对角化,再从下层至上层逐一求解。有问题请联系13709828698,李。 -this program is the application of numerical analysis of multi-linear equations of a solution ... out PCA Gaussian Elimination Act, A coefficient matrix put right for k
- 顺序统计select算法。从s个元素中找出第k个大的元素。- The order counts the select algorithm. Discovers the kth big element from s element.
- c语言版的多项式曲线拟合。 用最小二乘法进行曲线拟合. 用p-1 次多项式进行拟合,p<= 10 x,y 的第0个域x[0],y[0],没有用,有效数据从x[1],y[1] 开始 nNodeNum,有效数据节点的个数。 b,为输出的多项式系数,b[i] 为b[i-1]次项。b[0],没有用。 b,有10个元素ok。-c language version of the polynomial curve fitting. Using least-squares met
- 一个有关进制的和程序,它将一定范围内的数编制成组,通过从二进位制到十进位制, 进行编组,输入进制数和组数,即可自动计算出数据,并显示在屏幕上,同时输出到文件中,是很不错的程序,我用了好几天才编好,很精悍!-one of the 229 and procedures, it would certainly within the scope of the report into several groups, By binary system to the decimal system, org
- 函数模板T max(T a, T b, T c),使之实现对任何类型数,能从三个数中求出最大数返回。设计各种类型数据(char,short,long,float,double)调用此函数模板。-function template T max (T a, b T, T c), to enable it to achieve any of several types, a few were from the three sought to return to the greatest number.
- 本程序新建complex类,并将数学库里的“+”“-”“*”“/”符号运算进行重载,使其适用范围从实数扩展至复数。-the new complex procedures category, Mathematics, 13-17 and the """-""*""/" symbol for heavy computation, from the scope of the application is extended
- 一维双负介质的drude等效模型的防真程序.可以从输出图象中看出双负介质的基本特性-one-dimensional negative media drude Equivalent Model defense really procedures. Images can be output seen double negative dielectric characteristics of the basic
- LDL 分解源码。从文件输入数据,编译运行后结果输出在输出文件中。-LDL decomposition source. Import data from the document, compiled the results after the operation output in the output document.
- c语言的一些常见的算法以及思考和改进的文章,写的很不错,花费了很大的精力从网络了搜罗的,希望大家喜欢.-c some common language of the algorithm and to think and to improve the article and write very well. spent a lot of energy collected from the network, I hope you like them.
- (邮票问题) 设想一个国家发行n种不同面值的邮票,并假定每封信上至多只允许贴m张邮票。对于给定的m和n值,写一个算法求出从邮资1开始在增量为1的情况下可能获得的邮资值的最大连续区域以及获得此区域的各种可能面值的组合。例如:对于n=4和m=5,若有面值为(1,4,12,21)的四种邮票,则邮资最大连续区域为1到71。还有其他面值的四种邮票可组合成同样大小的区域吗-(Stamps) envisaged a national issue of n different denominations o
- 贝叶斯滤波的经典程序,从国外得来.这是粒子滤波历史上非常著名的bootstrap算法,值得研究.-classical Bayesian filtering procedures, come from abroad. This is the history of particle filter is very famous bootstrap method worth studying.
- 著名的Numerical Recipes in XXX图书的Fortran版本。 如果你是从事科学计算相关的研究或是工程项目,其中肯定涉及到具体的数学算法的细节,如:排序、矩阵运算、接各种方程组等,本书中提供的程序代码可以帮你从细节中摆脱出来,专心于算法的整体实现。 本文档收录的是书中配套的程序。-famous Numerical Recipes in the book XXX Fortran version. If you are engaged in scientific compu
- 题目10:一球从100米高度自由落下,每次落地后反跳回原高度的一半;再落下, 求它在第10次落地时,共经过多少米?第10次反弹多高? -Topic 10: a ball from 100 meters height free fall, every time after landing bounce back half of the original height To fall, For it in the 10th born, a total